准备: 镜像下载:清华tuna镜像站 烧录软件:balenaEtcher-Portable 准备8G以上SD卡一张,速度C10以上最佳 准备好一个USB键盘和鼠标 以及HDMI线材用于连接显示器 5V3A以上电源一个。 使用balenaEt... 树莓派4B安装windows xp & windows 95( windows xp & windows 95 for raspberry pi 4B) ...
9. Exit the imager and eject the SD card. 10. Insert the card in the Raspberry Pi, power it on, and it should boot up. There is an option in the configure script that comes up to expand the partitions to use all of the SD card if you have used one larger than 4 GB In ...