"Where were you when the universe ended?" Created by Deltree, I Miss the Sunrise is an all-new prequel to 2009's The Reconstruction. Featuring strategic battles, player-created weapons, and unique gameplay around every turn, I Miss the Sunrise is an RPG experience like no other. Featuring...
A menu at the bottom of the screen shows all the possible actions, where soldiers can defend, move, attack, or use an inventory item on each turn. The range of their movements and weapons vary according to their nature. A crossbow character can shoot from the back, while most sword and...
If you’ve enjoyed Fire Emblem, you’ll be right at home here. Three warring countries battle it out over resources in this tense political thriller, where every decision you make influences both your party and the world around you. We’re not kidding either, every decision matters, and ...
Unravel the mystery of "The Midnight Channel" in this critically-acclaimed Japanese RPG set in the quiet town of Inaba, where high school students enter a parallel world and confront their inner demons. Combat takes a unique twist as players utilize character-specific Persona spirits to unleash ...
Imagine, if you will, a Souls-like platformer that not only implements the mechanics of Dark Souls, but also tries to create the same aesthetic. That is basically Grimvalor; a Souls-like platformer where you fight your way through rooms of enemies, to eventually face bosses. We may not hav...
I have played amateur games where you are given a sidekick for no particular reason, who sides with you for no more reason. That's really bad. If they're here with you, give a reason and expand on it. There's also a simple rule to keep in mind when writing a character, even the...
It reminds me of the and board games where the activations are fluid and not so rigid that one character has to completely finish acting before another can act.As the DC20 proponents say, this enables you to truly play cooperatively, using one of your actions so say throw your team mate ...
Investing in skills helps you pass dice roll skill checks all throughout the game, for everything from kicking down a door to hitting on a woman at the hotel. It's a massive RPG with clever writing where each playthrough is significantly different based on the kind of detective you choose...
decides to make the whole party invisible. Then, rather than go to the spot with the X, they decide to go past it an investigate a cave they can see. Turns out this is where the necromancer is lurking, so at the start of the adventure they walk in invisibly and cap the guy. So ...
Without giving away the story, NieR: Automata Become as Gods is one of the most human stories where robots and androids are the main characters. It dives deep into themes of consciousness, humanity, souls, and philosophical concepts that you could spend hours dissecting. As a game, it has ...