RPG风格升级模组(RPG Style Level Up Mod) mod | 环世界 这个mod是一个为环世界游戏设计的扩展模组。使用这个mod可以通过工作或击杀敌人获得经验值,并升级和分配属性点。属性点包括力量(STR)、敏捷(DEX)、灵活(AGL)、体质(CON)、智力(INT)和魅力(CHA)。 不同的属性会影响战斗和工作速度。比如力量属性会增加近...
发现一个可能挺有意思..顺便翻译一下各项属性的影响:STR :(力量)increase melee damage (近战伤害)carry capacity(携带物品容量)carry weight in worldmap (世
道之极 帝国战士 9 如图,这个√只能点一个,也没啥不一样的地方,有谁知道√上了有什么用吗 送TA礼物 1楼2021-07-18 19:34回复 星期五的鱼 帝国战士 9 x是当前没有属性点加了,√是接下来获得的所有属性点都加在这上面。 来自Android客户端2楼2021-07-18 19:44 收起回复 ...
不知道是不是你这个问题,评论区提到在mod设置内将最大等级调高(比如10000)就可以解决 来自Android客户端4楼2021-08-14 21:13 收起回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示5...
我装了的RPGstyle level up mod为什么经验值不加,以前还能用,今天在玩就不行了 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-07-26 23:30回复 Pigpig 骑士 12 你倒是上图啊 来自Android客户端2楼2020-07-27 00:16 回复 qiannianeva 帝国公民 8 和static quality冲突,你都不看mod说明吗🤔? 来自手机贴吧...
LevelledMobs 4 An ArcanePlugins Resource • by PenalBuffalo, UltimaOath, and lokka30 Learn More at✈️HangarMCor🚰 SpigotMC Also see:Errors and Running LM•Installation Instructions Embedded Projects We are grateful to the authors and contributors of these projects, as they make the curren...
Choose your preferred grid style with support for both square and hex grids, providing flexibility for your gameplay preferences. Adaptable Dice PanelRoll the dice seamlessly with support for popular RPG systems like D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Alien, Walking Dead, Blade Runner, Cypher ...
they can be easy or anticlimactic. If the plan misfires, or if the enemy is particularly strong or alert, things become “exciting”. As of the time of writing (soon after the release of the 1.03 patch), the most popular playstyle is a combination of stealth and aimed, single-shot rif...
You can sneak up behind people and kick them off ledges. You can throw your shoes. Your time playing shakes out to about 70:30 in favour of combat, and it's detailed oriented turn-based stuff that might be daunting if you're new to the style, but it's a hoot and a half....
Level up your hero! Save the towers from the invasion in this classic-style RPG! 全部评测: 2 篇用户评测 发行日期: 2024 年 1 月 5 日 开发商: Tzar Games Studio 发行商: Tzar Games Studio 该产品的热门用户自定义标签: 角色扮演 动作 类Rogue 动作角色扮演 砍杀 + 想要将此项目添加至您...