《Paper Lily—Chapter1》可以在Itch.io免费下载游玩,并于1月27日上线了Steam,最近更新了官方中文。总体来说,游戏的质量非常之高,内容充实,很难想象是一款免费游戏,结局也让人感到意犹未尽。据开发者说,本系列会采用单章的发布模式,目前计划为5章,但也不排除缩减章节的可能性。游戏后续章节会开始收费,玩家也可以...
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除了第一章以外每章均需要密码,第二、三章的密码在上一章结尾处均能看到,第四章密码在主线中集齐3个骰子可获得。 ——— 主线大概流程&攻略: —涩谷篇— 先不急着去找幻太郎和帝统,来到涉谷地图之后出门右转,跟这位npc小姐姐对话可直接获得一张乱数的技能卡【Ramuda's dash】,效果是敌方单体攻击。 最开始...
百变一点也不怪 ptcg/喜爱宝可梦相关、文字avg游戏 找着工具后成功发itch上了😂一个几乎全默剧式伪R剧,之前参加p1论坛极短篇比赛有幸拿的最佳创意奖,欢迎来玩玩看👀全流程只用15-20分钟链接:链接p.s.伪R剧就是含有极少量互动关卡的类似于戏剧的作品,本质还是属于剧情向RPG 发布于 2021-11-14 16:14 赞...
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第一次参加为期三周的比赛,这次采用了比较新的工作方式(云文档+svn+chatgpt),之前从来没有尝试过。玩法设计程序 +1 发布于 2023-06-16 14:57・IP 属地浙江 赞同 1 分享 收藏 写下你的评论... 登录知乎,您可以享受以下权益:
itch itch.io plugin distribution plugin making plugins upload Replies: 1 Forum: RPG Maker MZ Tutorials RMMZ Sapphire City Hello, I have released a game called Sapphire City on Itch, this is an updated version of a previous game I released (Project Alldevaih). I have added new tile-set...
Three super-useful new plugins for RPG Maker MZ! (All free) Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and will try to make my case as briefly as possible. As part of learning to code in Javascript I recently started creating plugins for RPG Maker MZ that I thought would be useful to game...
RPG MAKER MZ Plugin: "Dynamic Switches" Dynamic Switches Plugin for RPG Maker MZ Introduction This plugin enables the game to set dynamic switches, which can be activated after a certain amount of real-time, even when the game is not running. It is ideal for creating events or mini-games ...
Forum:RPG Maker MZ Support RMMZArcane Legends: Blade Code (DEMO) on Itch.io! Arcane Legends: Blade Code (DEMO) I am thrilled to announce the release of the demo for my brand-new turn-based RPG Maker game, Step into a world of adventure, strategy, and epic battles. Will you rise to...