These plugins(JavaScript) are for RPG Maker MZ. リポジトリの運用方針 MZプラグインは、従来のMVプラグインから派生させた『mz_master』ブランチで運用します。双方のブランチで軽微な修正が入った場合は、cherry-pickでもう片方のブランチに反映させます。 MZプラグイン
Upon being launched, a fullscreen application shows, with an error displaying that Disk 1 is corrupted due to MAMIX.sys not being found, and asks if they would continue anyway. An unusual typeface font puts itself in and says Y E S. ...
full screen full screen mode plugin rpg maker mv Replies: 4 Forum: RPG Maker MV Support How to put RPG Maker MV full screen on android? The normal method to pass the game to android, it does not work for me since it always gives error, for more that I have looked at the internet...
本文将通过写一个改变游戏屏幕尺寸的插件来说说怎样写一个RPG Maker MV插件,本文涉及插件参数的定义、插件指令的实现与调用。该插件将要实现的功能包括: 1. 设定游戏屏幕的默认尺寸(在游戏启动时自动使用); 2. 在游戏中,玩家通过与NPC交互,更改游戏屏幕尺寸; ...
CAN RPG MAKER XP BE FULL SCREEN OR CHANGE WINDOW WIDTH AND HEIGHT TO 1920 X 1080? Hi, I have been working in proyect for a long time, but i realised that most people got a 1920 x 1080 screen. So I need to change the game window to that resolution. If someone know about some ...
RPG Maker MZ has been updated to 1.8.0. See below for the details of the update. Added Feature to Display Logo at Game Startup: You can now toggle the display of a splash screen in 'System 1' settings. The image \img\system\Splash.png will be referenced for this feature. If you ...
Hello all! I am new to RPG Maker. I was wondering how do I increase the size of the screen. For example : I want to have the game in 16x9 and scale it...
help mouse mouse input plugin rpg maker mv rpg maker mv help rpg maker mv mouse rpg maker mv plugins Replies: 0 Forum: Javascript/Plugin Support Fullscreen Won't Show Go Fullscreen So this has not been an issue at all thus far into my project. And I've been working on this game...
Forum: RPG Maker MV Support How to make android rpg maker game fullscreen landscape? Hi when i create android apk file from rpg maker mv game, it produces a small portrait half screen mode for me and not like what was advertised as full screen landscape for the game. Anyone got plugins...