city building city tileset japan japanese korean modern tileset rmmz tileset Replies: 0 Forum: Resource Requests Need help with Kanji So I need help with the word 'duality'... How do I write this in Kanji? (Google sure isnt helping lol) (don't know if this is posted correctly so...
You make a playlist, and build a map out of playing cards. Then you wander around a city, having odd, moody encounters. Sometimes you make peace with your ghosts, sometimes you attract new ones. Sometimes the King of all the city's rats demands a gift. Sometimes the ghost of an old ...
One-Hour RPG: The City Watch $10.00 Tome of Skills $15.99 Legendary Bestiary: SWARMS (PF1) $24.99 Legendary Bestiary: SWARMS (5E) $24.99 Enable dark mode Need help? Common Questions (FAQ) Contact Us Make a Suggestion Account Login/Create Account Account My Library Affiliate System How...
Tonight, we’re diving deeper into the city, its inhabitants, and the rules that keep everything in check. These rules—the Masquerade—aren’t just a suggestion; they’re the law. Break them, and you might find yourself on the wrong end of a court assassin’s stake. Masquerade ...
6/29/11:A long wait than usual, but hopefully the new gen is worth it: theHoliday Generator!And check outChaotic Shiny Productionsfor the newest genpack, theCity Builder Generator Pack. The all-newRumor Generatoralone should be worth the price of the genpack. ...
Flexible, Fast, and Fun Role-Playing Our Games 6d6-Core Blog Posts: Characters The Unfortunate Plans of Vincent McVondell The Unfortunate Plans of Vincent McVondell The sorry tale of Vincent McVondell begins with their admission to Denipsam School of Magic. There by the legacy of their mother...
Maybe you take that city and make it full of just vampires. Maybe it's just demons. Maybe it's all from a certain religious order. Maybe in your city you have peace between the vampires and the religious order. Maybe you take your city and turn it into a massive empire which can ...
XCC #5: Bay City Firestorm - Goodman Games XCC #6: Dooms 2 Go! - Goodman Games Xcrawl Classics: Dungeon Judge’s Screen - Goodman Games Xcrawl Classics: Reference Booklet - Goodman Games Xcrawl Classics Complete Collection - Goodman Games Xcrawl Classics Role-playing Game - Goodman GamesYo...
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exploration map Replies: 7 Forum: General Discussion RMVXA Notes From Province (30+ hour RPG) There's a lot of good in life. You just have to look for it. Kyme's searching for a fresh start in the city of Province. Will he find it among the eccentric residents and their whimsical...