“Borg 6-20 主观疲劳等级量表”做为一个涉及心理学及运动生理学的标准化量表,由于其有效性和方便性等特点,在心肺康复,大众健身和竞技体育等领域,为制定运动处方和指导科学锻炼及训练等方面起到了必不可少的作用。 由于中国不同地区的...
Therefore, it can be concluded that Borg's RPE 6-20 scale may be used to assess the physical work intensity among healthy Iranian male workers.Please cite this paper as: Daneshmandi H, Choobineh AR, Rajaee- Fard AR. Validation of Borg's RPE 6-20 Scale in Male Industrial Workers of ...
首先,咱们得明确一点,RPE可不是随便拍脑袋给出的数字。它有个标准的量表,通常是博尔格量表(Borg Scale),或者它的修改版。这个量表把运动强度用数字表示,从6到20,每个数字都对应着一种主观感受。 最基础的博尔格量表是这样的: 6:非常轻,几乎感觉不到运动 7:非常轻 8:轻 9:比较轻 10:中等 11:稍微费力 12:...
1. RPE量表:RPE量表是一种用来评估运动强度的主观感受量表,常用的是Borg量表(Borg Scale)。Borg量表将运动强度分为6至20个等级,其中6表示非常轻松,20表示非常困难。运动员可以根据自己的感受选择适合的等级,用以评估运动的强度。 2. 心率:心率是一种客观指标,可以反映身体在运动中的代谢状态和负荷程度。通过监测心...
coaches typically use one of two RPE scales: the Borg Scale from 6-20 or a simpler 0-10 scale. In either scale, the harder your effort, the higher the RPE value. There’s not one single piece of data collected and you don’t need any special equipment. All you need is the scale....
我們經常會看到的標準尺度是Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion(Borg RPE Scale,博格量表)其範圍為0-20,然而這個表準尺的比例會從6開始到20它與心率具有高度的相關性,因此,你只需要將數字乘以10就是你當下的訓練心率,後來更延伸出另一種被稱為Borg CR10 Scale的量表,並將將自覺量測範圍縮減成0-10。那為何Borg...
In this paper, we present an evaluation of five different input methods for entering the perceived exertion on the Borg-RPE scale on smartwatches. Our evaluation shows that speech input is inappropriate for entering the rating while using ranges is promising.关键词:...
The purpose of the present investigation was to study the overall rating of perceived exertion (RPEov) according to the 6- 20 scale proposed by Borg (1970) and muscular RPE (RPEmu) in exercises at constant load. The relationship between RPE and heart rate for three different loads was studi...
RPE是Rating of Perceived Exertion的缩写直译就是指“努力感知等级”。最早是由上个世纪60年代瑞典心理学家Gunnar Borg古纳·博格提出的《Borg劳累度评估量表》(Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale) RPE 评级表让参与者凭借运动时的自身感觉(心跳、呼吸、排汗、肌肉疲劳等),来估计运动时的强度。RPE评级表的数值范围是...