@digant73 在 #16061 中为游戏列表文件 (games.yml) 添加了协调功能 @Megamouse 在 #16098 中改进 RPCS3 更新期间的日志记录 @Megamouse 在 #16100 中不要关闭 cellMsgDialogAbort 中的保存数据确认对话框 调试器:@elad335 在 #16101 中修复线程选择和重构 ...
始终从 https://rpcs3.net/download 下载最新版本 注意:这些不是稳定的版本。 RPCS3 是一个滚动发布的软件,没有稳定的版本。 这些是我们时不时做的随机标签。 不要使用这些标签中的分支来打包 RPCS3。 v0.0.28sys_timer:@elad335 在 #13945 中进行的稳定性改进修补程序CI:升级 FreeBSD 并切换到 /quarterly ...
始终从 https://rpcs3.net/download 下载最新版本 注意:这些不是稳定的版本。 RPCS3 是一个滚动发布的软件,没有稳定的版本。 这些是我们时不时做的随机标签。 不要使用这些标签中的分支来打包 RPCS3。 发生了什么变化sys_timer:@elad335 在 #13945 中进行的稳定性改进修补程序CI:升级 FreeBSD 并切换到 /...
rpcs3模拟器是目前市面上最好并且可下载的ps3模拟器,今年更新强势更新,你可以下载模拟器,并且通过安装ps3 pkg游戏的方式来完美运行ps3游戏,并且对于一些动作游戏、音乐游戏等对模拟器兼容性和速度要求较高游戏同样支持良好。目前rpcs3模拟器正在一步步完善中,相信距离完美ps3模拟器已经不远了!
I write on PS3 emulator 1.9.6 in light of the fact that my users trust they can run games to utilizing this trick emulator. Be that as it may, in this article folks, I am going to impart to you a PS3 working emulator no requires any BIOS file or another document. Likewise, This...
Q: Where can I find a list of compatible PS3 games? A: The official RPCS3 website features a compatibility list that is regularly updated. You can find it here: [invalid URL removed]. Q: Can I use a PlayStation controller? A: It supports various controllers, including wired and wirele...
Red Dead Redemption is an action-adventure game. Red Dead Redemption is available for download in ISO, PKG with RAP file, PAL, Jtag/Rgh, and Region free ISO formats for free. This game was developed by Rockstar San Diego and published by Rockstar Games. This is the 2nd game in the Re...
If you want to help the project but do not code, the best way to help out is to test games and make bug reports. See: Quickstart If you want to contribute as a developer, please take a look at the following pages: Coding Style ...
»Game List Compatibility column!Database is now included on download for Windows builds, you can now easily see the status for your games (Linux users can easily download the database!); »Removed PSP2 (PS Vita) code.A dedicated PS Vita project has emerged, therefore we chose to aband...
If you want to help the project but do not code, the best way to help out is to test games and make bug reports. See: Quickstart If you want to contribute as a developer, please take a look at the following pages: Coding Style ...