RPCM stands for Glacier Tek's Renewable Phase Change Material, which is made from food-grade fats and oils. Chill out! The best methods for cooling that hot dog (and why it's a good idea) To analyze these force recordings, we evaluated a variety of characteristics: maximal force (Fmax)...
Dear RPCM users! We continue improving mobile user experience for you! In this update: - RPCM.CLOUD Ports section will help you navigate through your whole power infrastructure with filtering and sorting - You can watch all logs for the Group of RPCMs by just swiping it - If you're brows...
双环式深海长寿命腐蚀测量环 型号:RPCM库号:M400504查看详情> 张经理(女士) 02356894578 QQ咨询 请注意:本图片来自北京海富达科技有限公司提供的双环式深海长寿命腐蚀测量环 型号:RPCM库号:M400504产品,图片仅供参考,双环式深海长寿命腐蚀测量环 型号:RPCM库号:M400504产品会因为批次的不同可能与本图片不一致,请...
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TE30 V600R019C00 命令参考 获取语音识别音量信息。
TE40 V600R019C00 命令参考 获取语音识别音量信息。 命令格式
【产品编号】:U-RPCM-8082 【产品规格】:4x1ml 【中文名称】:PCB Congeners Mixture多氯联苯类混合物 【英文名称】:无 【CAS.编号】:无 【详细描述】: 100 µg/mL analytes in iso-Octane (2,2,4-Trimethylpentane)2-Chlorobiphenyl 2,2 ,3,4,4 ,5 -Hexachlorobiphenyl2,3-Dichlorobiphenyl 2,2 ,...
【产品编号】:U-RPCM-8082-1 【产品规格】:1x1ml 【中文名称】:PCB Congeners Mixture多氯联苯类混合物 【英文名称】:无 【CAS.编号】:无 【详细描述】: 100 µg/mL analytes in iso-Octane (2,2,4-Trimethylpentane)2-Chlorobiphenyl 2,2 ,3,4,4 ,5 -Hexachlorobiphenyl2,3-Dichlorobiphenyl 2,2...
RPC_STATUS RpcNsGroupMbrAddA( unsigned long GroupNameSyntax, RPC_CSTR GroupName, unsigned long MemberNameSyntax, RPC_CSTR MemberName ); 參數GroupNameSyntaxGroupName語法。若要使用登錄值專案中指定的語法 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Rpc\NameService\DefaultSyntax,請提供 RPC_C_NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT...