可以参考以下示例语句打印调用sofa2-rpc-server的应用超过 3 秒的请求总数、服务端IP、服务应用和客户端IP: $grep sofa2-rpc-server rpc-client-digest.log | awk -F,'{if(int($18)>3000)print $9,$10,$27}'|sort|uniq-c |sort-n 实际使用时,请将sofa2-rpc-server替换成对应的服务端应用名称,并根...
现在电脑上装的各种联网软件,比如 xx管家,xx卫士,它们都作为客户端(Client)需要跟服务端(Server)建立连接收发消息,此时都会用到应用层协议,在这种 Client/Server (C/S) 架构下,它们可以使用自家造的 RPC 协议,因为它只管连自己公司的服务器就 ok 了。 但有个软件不同,浏览器(Browser),不管是 Chrome 还是 IE...
RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_FOUND 找不到 RPC 协议序列。 RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_SUPPORTED 不支持 RPC 协议序列。 RPC_S_SEC_PKG_ERROR 安全包返回了没有 RPC 映射的错误。 使用 RPC 扩展错误机制检索安全提供程序错误。 RPC_S_SERVER_OUT_OF_MEMORY 服务器内存不足,无法完成此操作。 RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY 服务...
I suspect the problem may be between DNS and AD , as it's have been migrated from my previous and old Server 2003, but I'm not sure exactly where. Also, a network path error is not found. OBS: Namespace functionality is v2.In...
Check whether you still get the server error messages or not. Method 2. Check whether the RPC services are running Always make sure that the RPC-related services are running on your machine. Sometimes by default, these services are disabled by the operating system. You can manually change the...
AD Users and Computers "A global catalog (GC) cannot be contacted" Server 2008 R2 AD Users and Computers cannot open on WIndows 2012 R1, dsa..msc AD Users and Computers: The domain xxx could not be found because: A local error has occurred. AD Users Disabled Date AD Users Profile Pictu...
I'm not sure if moving the DC away from DC OU caused a lot of this issue or not. I just found this out a few minutes ago. I'd make the corrections, check the event logs and if problems persist put up a new set of files to look at. ...
在使用RPC翻译时,如果只填写targetClassName,且targetClassName所用的类不在当前项目下,会报ClassNotFoundException的异常。 看了下源码,问题出在SimpleTransService的659行,目前的临时解决方案是在@Trans中把target设置成了VO.class,不过这个方案又会导致RPC的缓存不命中,所以希望后面能解决下这个问题。
任何後續呼叫都會傳回RPC_S_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND。 發生任何錯誤時,列舉位置不會進階。 注意 如需有效錯誤碼的清單,請參閱 RPC 傳回值。 備註 輸入時,必須在 ErrorInfo 中設定下列欄位: 版本 必須設定為 RPC_EEINFO_VERSION。 NumberOfParameters 必須設定為介於零和 MaxNumberOfEEInfoParams 之間的值。 呼叫端是...