rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded是 gRPC 的一个常见错误,这个错误表示客户端发起的 RPC 请求超过了设置的超时时间(deadline)。 在gRPC 中,你可以为每个 RPC 调用设置一个超时时间。如果 RPC 调用在这个超时时间内没有完成,gRPC 库就会取消这个调用,并返回一个DeadlineExceede...
生产环境中,使用了相对灵活的 exec 容器执行命令:curl http://localhost:8188/actuator/health/readiness,作为就绪探针(Readiness Probe),每10秒检测一下服务状态,在某个节点负载请求时,发生节点死锁,命令执行超时无响应,超过超时时间探针报错,但此节点未从Service列表中移出,导致集群其它节点没有流量进入,服务处于不可用...
all the longhorn pods are running 1/1, but when i tried to install postgresql on my cluster, the pod are stucked on container creating status, the pod says that longhorn cant attach, saying the error: Warning FailedAttachVolume 9s attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed...
starting etcd cluster with 3 nodes failed. The first two node connected, but the third reports: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded
【问题解决】关于Kubernetes 健康检测 probe errored: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded 2021-02-18 13:13 −... 东北小狐狸 0 11464 案例ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qkaffsindex3], [], [], [], [] ...
Error response from daemon: rpc error: code=4desc = context deadline exceeded 查看docker的log sudotail-f /var/log/messages |grepdocker 说明swarm cluster环境通信遇到了问题。 解决办法: 重新初始化cluster环境即可: docker swarm init --force-new-cluster ...
k3s ExecSync rpc error DeadlineExceeded 设置 k3mrp操作流程,1.计划管理》物料需求计划》MRP计算》MRP计算》点击下一步点击下一步进入下面界面 先点低位码维护,完成后返回当前界面,点下一步,进入下一界面 运算编号自动生成,运算方案点旁边的按钮选入M
Error: context deadline exceeded command terminated with exit code 1 and checked the cluster heakth using etcdctl endpoint health , cluster is not healthy. What did you expect to happen? code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded should not come and any reason for that. ...