RP7900系列 名称:再生电力系统 品牌:是徳(KEYSIGHT) 分类:通用电子测试 > 电源 > 双极性电源 所属系列:RP7900系列RP7900 系列再生电力系统包括一系列 5 kW 和 10 kW 双向再生直流电源,可以提供非常全面的功能,从而降低测试成本。其再生能力使消耗的能源能够清洁地返回电网,节省能源消耗和散热产生的成本,同时不干扰...
本公司生产销售rp7900系列电池模拟器 再生电源系 电池模拟器,提供rp7900系列电池模拟器专业参数,rp7900系列电池模拟器价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.rp7900系列电池模拟器 rp7900系列电池模拟器 品牌是德科技|产地美国|价格3200.00元|型号RP7961A|测量精度222|
产品型号RP7941A RP7942A RP7943A RP7945A RP7946A 数量 产品信息 联系方式 品牌 KEYSIGHT是德科技 型号 RP7941A RP7942A RP7943A RP7945A RP7946A 功能 高性能的自动测试设备(ATE)应用 产地 中国 厂家 Keysight是德科技 联系方式 曾黎经理 114621894 ...
正品XC6211B322MR-G XC6211B302MR-G XC6211B282MR-G XC6211B182M ¥5.3 正品USM005 USFB13 USD950 USD945 USD850 ¥5.0 正品24LC010 24LC00T 24LC001 24LB8WB 24L64RP ¥1.4 原装1206CG821J631NT 1206CG821J501NT 1206CG820JCBB00 ¥1.5...
海信激光电视机CRF6A59 LED55 75NU8800U MU9600U HZ75U9A LT80 88K7900UA 88L6 100L6 语音遥控器遥控设备 360元价格:360元适用于海信激光电视机CRF6A59 LED55/65/75NU8800U/MU9600U HZ75U9A LT80/88K7900UA 88L6 100L6语音遥控器360 元 去天猫购买海信激光电视机 ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现RP10-1215DE/M1-HC《DC DC CONVERTER +/-15V 10W》的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于RP10-1215DE/M1-HC《DC DC CONVERTER +/-15V 10W》的信息,请来淘宝深入了解吧!
A novel identity-based authenticated key agreement protocol is proposed, which can rovide all basic desirable security properties, especially ephemeral secrets reveal resistance, ntermediate results leakage resistance, key-compromise imp... S Shuai,G Xu,X Niu - 《International Journal of Advancements ...
to receive the dust removed by suction, having a filter bag consisting of an air permeable and dust retaining material, which is folded in un-used condition whilst having an inflated flat shape during use having a front wall with an inlet opening for introduction of the dust contg. air and...
This paper describes a methodology that can be used to estimate the potential value of implementing digital and automation technologies in the well construction process in the context of a complex deepwater environment during the drilling conceptualization phase. This serves as a guideline for those ...
ZA A,MK B 摘要: Introducing high-performance compounds for hydrogen sorption is of interest because of their advantages for substantial applications such as energy storage. Here, the role of copper addition on hydrogen storage capability and Coulombic efficiency of CeO2 nanostructure (fabricated by ...