Waveshare RP2040-PiZero板是一款类似于Raspberry Pi Zero的板,具有Raspberry Pi RP2040微控制器,而不是支持Linux的应用处理器。 但RP2040板具有与Raspberry Pi Zero相同的布局和类似的端口,包括两个USBType-C端口,一个迷你HDMI/DVI连接器,一个microSD卡插槽和一个40针GPIO接头,但也增加了对带有2针连接器和充电...
该开发板配备的是用于固件的 8MB SPI 闪存、一个 MicroSD 卡插槽、一个微型 USB 端口、两个按钮和一个 40 针 GPIO 接头,这些配置使其能与一些树莓派uHAT 和 HAT 扩展板兼容。 具有RP2040树莓派Zero外形尺寸的StackyPi开发板 后续精彩内容,请点击查看:CNX Software中文站 ...
QSPI_SD2 QSPI_SD3 Pins U2-7 U3-51 NetLabels QSPI_SD3 QSPI_SD3 QSPI_SS_N Pins R1-1 R2-2 U2-1 U3-56 NetLabels QSPI_SS_N QSPI_SS_N QSPI_SS_N RUN Pins Key2-1 U3-26 NetLabels RUN RUN SWCLK Pins U3-24 NetLabels SWCLK SWDIO Pins U3-25 NetLabels SWDIO USB_N Pins R4-2 U3...
Waveshare recently featured a development board with a similar form-factor as the Raspberry Pi Zero, except that it’s powered by the dual-core RP2040 processor. This new Waveshare includes a battery connector, a MicroSD card and a DVI port for displays.
FatFs_SPI: the related MicroSD source code. Demo Using terminal tools such as Putty or MobaXterm, open the USB serial port corresponding to RP2040-PiZero. When you press Enter, it will display the following information: > Input "help" command to display the following information: ...
sdcard.py - This is the library of sdcard onboard sd card module, save this file to stackypi. save this library inside pico firmware.uf2 - This is the firmware of round lcd display, drag and drop the firmware to stackypi main.py - you need to run this file to read/write sd ca...