Imitation learning mechanism having hands teaching manipulator system and method, the system includes an action execution module composed of a robot arm and a steering gear, consisting of multi-sensor sensing module and a controller module configured to learn. The present invention is a modular indepe...
目的 探讨益脑增智汤联合养血清脑颗粒治疗脑梗死恢复期的效果.方法 选取本院2015年4月至2017年11月脑梗死恢复期患者112例,随机数字表法分为研究组(n=56)与对照组(n=56).常规治疗基础上对照组采取养血清脑颗粒,研究组于对照组基础上加用益脑增智汤,均治疗2个月.统计治疗前及疗程结束后两组神经功能缺损程度...
Computer graphics deals with realistic rendering of 3-d objects. There are many rendering algorithms used. Two of the most famous algorithms are Gouraud Shading Algorithm and Phong Shading Algorithm. These algorithms handle location of light source, location of the camera, and surface reflection prope...
The switch panel has a housing, at least a first and a second electrical connector (12) which are electrically connected together by an electrical connection arrangement. The connection arrangement, which is designed so that the first connector can be moved backwards and forwards w.r.t. the swi...
The present invention is a blown asphalt (Blown Asphalt) 20 ~ 40 parts by weight of powdered or service on the inorganic filler and 50 to 80 parts by weight , the pressure-sensitive adhesive of 1 to 5 parts by weight , 1-5 parts by weight of process oil , a synthetic rubber, 5-10...
A lump peat machine mills peat by means of a rotating cutter which delivers the peat to a tube containing a screw conveyor for expression through a nozzle onto the ground. The cutter is raised and lowered through means of a hollow arm supporting the cutter at one end and mounted on the ...
The present invention relates to a subframe for a motor vehicle, comprising two substantially in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle (fl) aligned longitudinal members (12), at least one essentially in the transverse direction (fq) aligned, between the two side members (12) is arranged in...