1、British Pipe Thread (惠氏管螺纹) 圆柱(BSPP/BSPF)1、G为柱的,R为锥的.螺纹代号妹本尺寸丿、径mmd=D螺距mmP毎英寸牙数Si中径mmd2=D2小径 外螺纹d3才型爲度Hl底孔尺JmmG 1/81/8 M9.7280.907289.1478.5660.5818.7G 1/41/4 w13571.3371912.30111.4450.85611.6G 3/83/8"16.6621.3371915.80614.950.85615...
1、NPT是National(American)Pipe Thread的缩写,属于美国标准的60度锥管螺纹,用于北美地区,国标查阅GB/T12716-1991。2、PT(BSPT)是Pipe Thread 的缩写,是55度密封圆锥管螺纹,属于惠氏螺纹家族,多用于欧洲及英联邦国家,常用于水及煤气管行业,锥度1:16,国标查阅GB/T7306-2000。国内叫法为ZG.。...
圆锥内螺纹翻译由于为Taper thread,圆锥外螺纹翻译为Male cone,圆柱内螺纹翻译为Parallel internal thread...
Please take this opportunity to share your ideas in this theme discussion thread for the Texturing Contest #34! Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor)...
NPT 是 National (American) Pipe Thread 的缩写,属于美国标准的 60 度锥管螺纹。 NPT螺纹分:一般密封圆柱管螺纹和一般密封圆锥管螺纹 配合方式:圆柱内螺纹与圆锥外螺纹组成“柱/锥”配合;圆锥内螺纹与圆锥外螺纹组成“锥/锥”配合。 美制一般密封圆锥管螺纹的特征代号:NPT 美制一般密封圆柱内螺纹的特征代号:NPSC...
1、G号管螺纹:G是指非螺纹密封的管螺纹。2、R号管螺纹:指用螺纹密封的管螺纹。二、特性不同 1、G号管螺纹:牙型角55度,内外螺纹均为圆柱形的管螺纹。2、R号管螺纹:牙型角55度,旋紧后具有密封性。三、作用不同 1、G号管螺纹:配合后不具密封性,在管路中仅起联结作用,借助密封圈可用于...
表示用螺纹密封的管螺纹特征代码,P是代表螺距 RC---圆锥内螺纹 RP---圆柱内螺纹 R---圆锥外螺纹 它们后面的数字代表公称直径。RC,RP,R只是代号而已,圆锥内螺纹翻译由于为Taper thread,圆锥外螺纹翻译为Male cone,圆柱内螺纹翻译为Parallel internal thread。
NPT、PF、PS、PT、G、BSP、Rp、Rc管螺纹关系 British Pipe Thread (惠氏管螺纹) -- 圆柱 (BSPP/BSPF)螺纹代号基本尺寸大径 mm d=D 螺距 mm p 每英寸牙数 tpi 中径 mm d2=D2 小径 外螺纹 d3 牙型高度 H1 底孔尺寸 mm G 1/8 1/8"9.728 0.90728 9.1478.5660.581 8.7 G 1/4 1/4...
the inner cavity at the other end of the thread connector is provided with a thread; a diameter of a stepped hole is more than a big diameter of the thread of a thread hole; the diameter of the stepped hole is more than the big diameter 1RpRp of the thread of the thread hole; and...