logfile /var/log/pppd.log 这里的配置的dns是我工作网络环境下的,先前傻不拉几的没有配置ms-dns导致拨号可以但上不了网,归根结底还是没有建立原理概念。 有时出现错误,可以在pppd.log中查看日志,另外我发现如果pppoe-server-options货options配置有问题,pppd.log都不会生成。 4.修改/etc/ppp下options文件,我的...
2.pppoe-sever会创建一个pppoe子进程,然后由pppoe子进程调用 pppd进程进行ppp会话,pppoe子进程创建pppd进程时默认会指定pppd读取/etc/ppp/pppoe-server- options(可以通过pppoe-server的-O选项另外指定),因此有些教程说要修改/etc/ppp/options文件的相关pppd参 数,我觉得参数应该都加在/etc/ppp/pppoe-server-options...
rp-pppoe增加..需要 ppp-2.4.4/pppd/plugins/radius/etc/ 下面的文件,如果是 make 的话,这些文件不安装,我手动把他们 cp&n
pppd-bugfixes-3.13-v1/ correspond to the upstream/3.13..pppd-bugfixes-3.13-v1 commits, submitted inhttps://dianne.skoll.ca/pipermail/rp-pppoe/2020q2/000576.htmland released in 3.14-BETA-1 (https://dianne.skoll.ca/pipermail/rp-pppoe/2020q2/000578.html). Patches and diffs in 0003-...
2、安装rp-pppoe # tar zxvf rp-pppoe-3.6.tar.gz # cd rp-pppoe-3.6/src # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-plugin=../../ppp-2.4.3(刚刚ppp-2.4.3的路径) # make # make install 3、复制模块 # cp /usr/local/lib/pppd/2.4.3/* /etc/ppp/plugins 附1:在此处可先做PPPOE-SE...
rp-pppoe plugin was broken due linux headers changes: pppd has own copy of if_pppol2tp.h file which is included from <linux/if_pppox.h>. Add patch from Debian for struct pppol2tpv3_addr definition. Signed-off-by: Yauhen Kharuzhy <yauhen.kharu...@promwad.com> ...
details. If you are using kernel-mode PPPoE, this option has fIno effectfR. .TP .B -s This option is passed directly to fBpppoefR; see fBpppoefR(8) for details. In addition, it causes fBpppdfR to be invoked with the fIsyncfR option. ...
fBpppoe-snifffR was written by David F. Skoll <dfs@roaringpenguin.com>. The fBpppoefR home page is fIhttp://www.roaringpenguin.com/pppoe/fR. .SH SEE ALSO pppoe-start(8), pppoe-stop(8), pppoe-connect(8), pppd(8), pppoe.conf(5), ...
openwrt-dev. That's kernel / pppd patches so it has to go through nbd for sign off. I volunteer maintain rp-pppoe because I plan to have great fun with it due to lax ISP security in X country to have pppoe lan parties in the same ...