API RP 1162-2022 管道从业人员的公共注意项资料类别:行业标准 文档格式:PDF电子版 文件大小:8.3 MB资料语言:中文更新时间:2024-11-11 14:57:50 相关搜索: 立即下载 内容简介 上一章:API RP 1130-2022 液体用计算管道监测 下一章:API 1509-2022 中文版 发动机机油许可和认证系统 相关文章 API RP 578-...
This RP builds upon and augments existing provisions and is not intended to duplicate requirements of any other consensus standards or regulations, including API RP 1162, Public Awareness Programs for Pipeline Operators, and API RP 1173, Pipeline Safety Management Systems (PSMS). Public awareness act...
A., et al., “rAAV2/5 Gene-Targeting to Rods: Dose-Dependent Efficiency and Complications Associated with Different Promoters,” Gene Therapy, Sep. 2010, pp. 1162-1174, vol. 17, No. 9. Bennett, J., et al., “AAV2 Gene Therapy Readministration in Three Adults with Congenital Blindnes...
Chem. 2021, 138, 116223. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Manousi, N.; Wojnowski, W.; Płotka-Wasylka, J.; Samanidou, V. Blue applicability grade index (BAGI) and software: A new tool for the evaluation of method practicality. Green Chem. 2023, 25, 7598–7604. [Google Scholar] [...
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J Cancer, 2019, 10(5): 1162-70. [30]Jass JR, Young J, Leggett BA. Evolution of colorectal cancer: change of pace and change of direction[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2002, 17 (1): 17-26. [31]Wong JJ, Hawkins NJ, Ward RL. Colorectal cancer: a model for epigenetic tumorigenesi...
[2] 煤油点火延迟时间试验结果和于维铭 的RP-3煤油 和16%丁基苯作为JP-8航空煤油四组分替代燃料, 层流火焰速度试验数据对本文简化机理进行了验 四组分替代燃料详细化学反应机理为164个组分 证,最后还比较了详细机理和简化机理的绝热火焰 1162步反应,将该详细反应机理进行简化,分别得到 温度和中间组分,从而验证本文...
正十二烷、16.7%的甲基环己烷与16%的丁苯作为航 图2显示了压力分别为0.1MPa与0.2MPa、当量 空煤油JP-8的替代燃料,建立了一种非常详细的化 比分别为0.5,1.0与1.5时RP-3航空煤油的着火延迟 学反应机理(164种组分、1162个反应),并对该替代 时间。图3显示了当量比分别为0.5,1.0与1.5,压力 第35 卷第8期 RP-...