Royce PotatoChip Chocolate - a perfect balance of sweet and salt的做法步骤 步骤1 Melt chocolate+butter+cream in a container with warm water surrounded (50C degree) 步骤2 dip the potato chips into the chocolate and quickly take them out 步骤3 rest them softly on oilpaper 步骤4 Chill in the...
Royce Potatochip chocolate -Royce 是一个日本的巧克力/糖果牌子。-"Potatochip Chocorate"就是巧克力薯片 亚马逊也有卖哦!图片摘自
ROYCE'巧克力诞生于日本札幌市,那里丰富的自然环境和北海道寒冷的气候,使之成为制作精美甜品的理想场所。 如今的ROYCE'巧克力,已经从最秘而不宣的札幌小店,发展为巧克力爱好者们追随的全球知名巧克力品牌。 ROYCE'巧克力最出名的是Potatochip Chocolate巧克力洋芋片,一口接一口让人停不下来 白巧克力使用北海道产的生奶油制...
Potatochip Chocolate "Mild Bitter"Sale price$18.99 Add to cartADD TO CART Potatochip Chocolate "Original"Sale price$18.99 Add to cartADD TO CART Pure Chocolate "Sweet & Milk"Sale price$18.99 Add to cartADD TO CART Chocolate Wafers "Hazel Cream (12 Pcs)"Sale price$18.99 ...
除了它家的当家生巧,ROYCE’巧克力最出名的便是Potatochip Chocolate巧克力洋芋片,当巧克力的甜味包裹上略带咸味的薯片,一口接一口让人停不下来。 小卖部为大家带来的第一款Royce圣诞限定,是蓝色包装的巧克力波浪片。 这一款圣诞限定就是为喜欢它家的巧克力波浪片准备的,整整40枚,沉沉的一盒,却只要$20出头,要知道,...
不过小编最爱吃的还是Royce家的chocolate potatochip,到底是薯片还是巧克力,傻傻分不清楚,反正好吃就够了:) 西雅图本周末的Pop-up event具体信息 时间:7月8日&9日 地点:Bellevue Bravern 3rd Floor across Gucci 届时,Lady M将带来Signature & Green Tea Crepe Cake的整只蛋糕。可以提前预订(电话:323.825.8888),...
Potatochip Chocolate [Mild Bitter] Potato chips coated with semi-sweet chocolate. Storage Temperature: Below 25°C Shelf Life: 1 month Content: 190g Pure Chocolate [Creamy Milk & White] Milder milk chocolates and white chocolates made with fresh milk. ...
POTATOCHIP CHOCOLATE Combining the salty, savoury goodness that is potato chips and coating them in a thin yet decadent layer of their velvety chocolate, ROYCE’ range of Potato Chip Chocolate (S$15 per box) offerings are just pure genius and a snack appropriate for any occasion. ...
Indulge in irresistible delights with ROYCE' chocolate: your one-stop shop for premium chocolate and gourmet chocolate gifts. Our versatile chocolate collection has something for every chocolate lover out there. From the best-selling Royce’ Nama Ghana Bitter to the eye-opening Royce potato chip ...
Today Royce' chocolate is enjoyed not only by the locals of Hokkaido, but by chocolate lovers from all across the world. We will continue to make world-class chocolate by observing our fundamental principle and pressing forward with our challenging creative spirit. ...