Royale High Wiki 1,061 pages View source Welcome to the Royale High Wiki Royale Highis a high school themed roleplaying game onRobloxowned bycallmehboband made by itsdevelopment team. It is set across multiple magical realms as a world for royalty, fairies, mermaids, and other magical creatur...
史诗飞龙宝宝•骷髅军团•骷髅巨人•皮卡超人•攻城炸弹人•女巫•气球兵•黑暗王子•王子•哥布林巨人•猎人•戈仑石人•雷电飞龙•雷电巨人•骷髅守卫•巨石投手•飞斧屠夫•加农炮战车 传奇掘地矿工•公主•超级骑士•寒冰法师•地狱飞龙•蛮羊骑士•熔岩猎犬•闪电法师•电磁炮...
The Electro Giant card is unlocked from the Electro Valley (Arena 11). He is a single-target, melee-ranged troop with very high hitpoints and low damage that targets only buildings. Enemy units who hit the Electro Giant while being within a 3-tile radius
Island Royale Wiki 982 pages in:Tools View source Sharp Royalty Through Chest? No Cost 7000 (Bucks) Tier Rare Type Tool Overview Sharp Royalty is a tool item which was obtainable through the medieval-themed all-time shop items updated on the 16th of March, 2019. ...
你可以通过获得经验值(XP)以提升等级。在比赛结束后,你可以根据击杀数和生存时间获得相应的经验值。随着等级的提升,你可以解锁并获得更多动物的 DNA 。
目标 数量 行进方式 类型 稀有度 31秒快(90)1秒0.75(短距离近战)3.5-6地面目标x1地面军队传奇 等级 生命值 伤害 突袭伤害 每秒伤害值 9750160320160 10825176352176 11907193387193 12997212425212 131,095233467233 141,200256512256 隐藏百科导航 隐藏卡牌 综合关于卡牌•卡牌总览•出战卡组•实用工具(英语) ...
"Battle Royale" (ダーブラ登とう場じょう!!, Dābura Tōjō!!, lit. "Dabra Takes the Stage!!") is the two hundred fifty eighth chapter of Dragon Ball Z and the four hundred fifty-second overall chapter of the Dragon Ball manga. The cover of this chapter
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The Ram Rider card is unlocked from Hog Mountain (Arena 10) or a Legendary Chest. It spawns a moderately high hitpoint woman riding a ram. The Ram itself targets buildings while the Rider only targets troops. The Rider snares troops, slowing their moveme