皇家游艇不列颠尼亚号 Royal Yacht Britannia 皇家游艇不列颠尼亚号,1953年-1997年服役,现在已经退休了,停在爱丁堡的Leith港供游客参观,主题还是感受下皇家生活,当年游艇1953年下水以及1997年退役的时候,都是由女王伊丽莎白二世亲自主持的,这么多年间,不列颠尼亚号航行里程超过100万英里。 关于不列颠尼亚号的一些比较著名的...
Step aboard The Queen’s former floating palace for over 40 years with a visit to the The Royal Yacht Britannia Learn more about the fascinating maritime history of the last ship in a long line of Royal Yachts Discover life on the ocean from the stories of the ship’s crew, the Royal ...
See Royal Yacht Britannia: On Board the Floating Palace's production, company, and contact information. Explore Royal Yacht Britannia: On Board the Floating Palace's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPr
1. 大不列颠号 英国皇家游艇“大不列颠号” (Royal Yacht Britannia) 利思港(Port of Leith),苏格兰。 trip.elong.com|基于84个网页 2. 皇家游艇不列颠尼亚号 ...重建的海港区。皇家游艇不列颠尼亚号(Royal Yacht Britannia)以及Ocean Terminal购物中心内的众多商店、电影院和餐厅 … ...
Child Discount Senior Discount Features Tour the famous Royal Yacht Britannia and see where the Queen and her guests lived while at sea. Includes an audio guide available in 27 languages, including English, French, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Finnish, Swedish, No...
To extend your five-star experience, book a stay on Fingal by The Royal Yacht Britannia, our new luxury floating hotel. Guests who attend our Burns Supper will receive a 10% discount when booking accommodation aboard Fingal for the night of the event. Please call +44 (0) 131 357 5000 to...
Royal Yacht Britannia 在世界上享有顶级声望的皇家游轮 首页 全部景点 不列颠尼亚号 停泊在爱丁堡利斯港的不列颠尼亚号,木质的家具依旧每天抛光,甲板每天冲洗,厨房还时常款待客人,它还保持着最光鲜的面目。 在1953-1997服役期间,拥有五个甲板的皇家游艇“不列颠尼亚号”由于搭载英国皇室出巡而声名在外,它的航行总里程超...
Step aboardThe Royal Yacht Britannia, used by Queen Elizabeth II as her floating palace for over40 years. Travelling more than1 million nautical milesduring her years of service and hosting guests such as Frank Sinatra, Nelson Mandela and Sir Winston Churchill, The Royal Yacht Britannia has afas...