自1966年英国皇家艺术协会(Royal Society of Arts)首度提供设计管理奖项以来,其定义已被争论了近1/4个世纪。设计管理的 … blog.163.com|基于68个网页 3. 英国皇家艺术学会 在英国皇家艺术学会(Royal Society of Arts)的海报上,本杰明•富兰克林作为一名会员的留言是:“如果你不愿在辞世化作粪土后 … ...
Forum and the Royal Society of Arts among others, in order to broaden and strengthen [...] unesdoc.unesco.org 启动了与内部机构的伙伴关系,主要是与地球大学 论 坛 和皇家艺术协 会 建立 了伙 伴关系, 从而拓宽和加深本组织对更广泛问题的参与和知名度,并接触更多民众。 unesdoc.unesco.org [....
Chemistry, pp. 10-21 (August 1763).Royal Society of Arts, Subscription book, 1754-63.Royal Society of Arts, Premiums offered by the Society, PR/GE/112/13/4 (1767), p. 17, no. 96.ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS. The Lancet . 1927
英国皇家艺术协会(The Royal Society of Arts,简称RSA),全称“皇家艺术、制造和商业协会”,成立于1754年,总部位于伦敦,是一个覆盖艺术、制造业和商业等众多领域的学术组织,1847年被授予英国皇家宪章。英国皇家艺术协会是世界范围内历史最悠久的学术组织之一。 该协会致力于寻求切实可行的创新方案来解决社会问题,协会的...
英国皇家学会工艺院(The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce)成立于1754年,总部位于伦敦。简称为RSA。 该院囊括世界著名科学家、诺贝尔奖获得者、人文艺术家以及国家政要。自成立268年以来获选院士分别来自全球70余个国家。
1.Kehr is a fellow of the Royal Society. 凯尔是皇家学会会员。 2.The Company received a commendation from the Royal Society of Arts. 公司受到了皇家艺术协会的赞扬。 3.the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds 皇家鸟类保护协会 4.Newton was made President of the Royal Society. ...
Royal Society of Arts 英国皇家美术学会RSA; Royal College of Art 英国皇家艺术学院RCA; Royal Academy of Arts 英国皇家美术研究院RAA 其中,英国皇家艺术学院RCA以培养学术人才,攻读学位为主;而英国皇家美术研究院RAA以培养专业人才、加强艺术家之间的交流、艺术作品展览为其首要任务。
FEW societies have done more to stimulate the arts and industries of the British Empire than the Royal Society of Arts, which during the last few days has had on exhibition, for the benefit of over seas visitors, a series of documents and objects illustrating its achievements since its ...
FEW societies have done more to stimulate the arts and industries of the British Empire than the Royal Society of Arts, which during the last few days has had on exhibition, for the benefit of over seas visitors, a series of documents and objects illustrating its achievements since its ...
【the Royal Society】意思是【(英国)皇家学会】。1. The Company received a commendation from the Royal Society of Arts.公司受到了皇家艺术协会的赞扬。2. Newton was made President of the Royal Society.牛顿被选为皇家学会会长.3. Kehr is a fellow of the Royal Society.凯尔是皇家学会...