Founded in 1885, Royal Selangor is the world’s foremost name in quality pewter, a brand synonymous with design and craftsmanship
Royal Selangor offers high-quality pewter goods. Discover home décor, personal accessories, gifts, collectibles, bespoke designs and more.
Founded in 1885, Royal Selangor is the world’s foremost name in quality pewter, a brand synonymous with design and craftsmanship
Royal Selangor's pewter Star Wars figurines and busts come in various finishes, such as satin finish, finely textured finish, brilliant finish and 24K gilt finish.Some of our Star Wars limited editions are given a tint coat (clearcoat, graphite-enhanced tint or signature white gloss) to furth...
High-quality pewter hip flasks crafted by skilful artisans. Available in various shapes and sizes. Selected pieces offer space for personalisation. Shop now.
马来西亚锡制品:RoyalSelangorPewter(雪兰莪皇家雪锡) 运费快递10元, 编号se26787245 货号JD03BI 品种锡壶/锡器 品相9品 属性其他锡器,,90-99年,,其他造型,,, 简介底盘直径约:4.5(cm),净高约:3.8(cm),约60g重,1998年小天使,首饰盒的顶盖,具体内容、实际品相如图所示。(ZJ-3-2) 备注 打假举报 服务保障...
through Royal Selangor’s Heritage Workshops Book now Price RM75 Duration 30 mins Our most popular workshop. Suitable for all ages. *Children under 12 years old must be supervised by an adult. Use traditional tools to craft your own pewter dish. ...
皇家雪兰莪ROYALSELANGORPEWTER荷花摆盘 价格:¥880 品相:9品数量:1件 运费:EMS 22元, 快递 15元, 挂号信 5元, 挂刷 5元, 销售总量:件销售总额:¥0元 浏览量:0 品种:锡壶/锡器 统一编号:se76528214店内编号:1 属性:锡盘, ,年代不详,, ,,, ,,, ,...
品种:锡壶/锡器 统一编号:se26787245店内编号:JD03BI 属性:其他锡器, ,90-99年,,其他造型 ,,, ,,, , 简介:底盘直径约:4.5(cm),净高约:3.8(cm),约60g重,1998年小天使,首饰盒的顶盖,具体内容、实际品相如图所示。(ZJ-3-2) 备注: 录入举报打假举报 ...