At that time, this fierce neutrality started to be shattered. During the first year of the German occupation indeed, the Navy was forced to assist German forces with minesweeping. The main reason was pragmatism on both sides, because of the need to keep the ferry-lines running and seaways c...
ww2dbaseRoyal Sovereign was commissioned during WW1, but did not see combat. At the onset of the European War during WW2, she was with the Home Fleet. By mid-1940, she was transferred to the Royal Navy Mediterranean Fleet. On 18 Jul 1940, she participated at the Battle of Calabria, whe...
Like the Australian navy, the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) also has a strong tradition of interoperability with its American counterparts, to the point where Canadian warships can also be seamlessly integrated into US naval task forces (PDF). It would serve the RCN well to ensure that its future...
Today we profile another one of those South African heroes who served with the Royal Navy Commandos on D Day and who went on to win a Military Cross for Bravery – Lieutenant D.C. “Tommy” Thomas MC from Maclear in the Transkei. ...
Royal Navy (RN) Officers 1939-1945Looking for details on a RN officer not listed here yet? Just e-mail me, and I might be able to help out. Of course, any additions, corrections etc. can also be e-mailed.Note. In naval circles it is custom to refer to the commander of a vessel...
1940 - 1946 Royal Navy: 24.08.1942 - (06.1943) First Lieutenant & Navigating Officer, HM MTB 32 (motor torpedo boat) [HMS Beehive (Coastal Forces base, Felixstowe)] 08.1943 - (12.1943) [First Lieutenant? / Commanding Officer ?], HM MTB 234 (motor torpedo boat) [HMS Beehive (Coastal ...
In Jul and Sep 1940, she participated in attacks on the Vichy-French Navy at Mers-el-Kébir and Dakar, respectively. On 1 Aug, in between the western Africa actions, she escorted a convoy that delivered 12 Hurricane aircraft to Malta; her aircraft attacked the Italian base at Cagliari ...
WW2 letters Millions of letters were written during the Second World War. They were a lifeline for the men and women on the frontlines and their family and friends back home. From father to son, soldier to parents and from wife to husband, we feature just a few of the letters written ...
Posted in King Abdullah, PEOPLE, Queen Elizabeth II, Saudi Arabia Royal Family, tagged Prince Abdullah and Queen Elizabeth, Princess Elizabeth in WW2, Queen Elizabeth and driving, Queen Elizabeth II on January 18, 2019| 3 Comments » Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of England, during her ...
The Royal Navy Submarine Museum in Haslar Road, Gosport, invited children of all ages to take part in a summer activity. Sammy Sardine’s Summer School had children discovering the food that sailors ate on board a submarine during the Second World War. ...