Boatsw. Boatswain BPF British Pacific Fleet CAG Carrier Air Group Capt. Captain Cd. Commissioned (Gunner, Engineer etc.) Cdr. Commander Cdre. Commodore Chapl. Chaplain cl. class CO Commanding Officer C/O Chief Officer CPO Chief Petty Officer (D) (Destroyer) [as in the position of Capt. ...
03.09.1947 - 07.10.1947 HMS Newcastle (as Watchkeeping Officer and Boatswain) 14.12.1947 - 15.04.1949 Gunnery Officer in a [battle] group of destroyers (Reserve Fleet) [HMS Camperdown]: 10.03.1948 - (05.1949) HMS Unicorn 29.08.1949 - 07.01.1950 HMS Royal Arthur 08.01.1950 - 12.12.1950 ...