If your entire business is moving, or just part is relocating, a Business Redirection or a Diversion will redirect your mail for you Business Redirection Keepsafe Deal with temporary business closures We’ll hold on to your business mail and keep it safe, then deliver it all in one batch whe...
Email:obahelp@your.royalmail.com Redirection and Keepsafe™ To set up or renew a Redirection or set up a Keepsafe™ or Business Keepsafe™ Call: 03457 777 888 Calling from outside the UK: + 44 1782 668 007. 8am – 6:30pm Monday to Friday ...
Whether you are moving business temporarily or permanently, we’ll help you take your mail with you with a Business Redirection or DiversionMoving your business? Don’t miss any mail Receive mail addressed to your old business address at your new address Redirect mail to any UK or international...