In the last few weeks I’ve had three items vanish into a Royal Mail black hole. Parcel 1 send via 48hr tracked on 31 October and still hasn’t arrived. Parcel 2 send on 15 November also via 48hr and still hasn’t arrived. Parcel 3 send via 24hr tracked on 18 November and still...
Royal Mail is experiencing staff absence rates around twice pre-pandemic levels, with many employees off because of stress or Covid-19, it has been reported. A source told the BBC that the situation at many depots was “horrific” due to sickness and high levels of demand during the peak ...
For the employees: staff number, name, passport or drivers photograph, license plate (if applicable), function, company e-mail address; For the contractors and subcontractors: ID number and the type of ID, name, passport or drivers photograph, company where the data subject’s works for, lice...
Sue Marsh, head of leadership coaching at Royal Mail, said managers would learn to adapt their approach to make them more effective in dealing with staff. The coaching also introduces a framework to help managers address their individual plan. “Effective questioning is used to draw out responses...
hr, .chapter-content hr { display:block; border:0px; height:40px; background:url('/Content/Images/Ornaments/22.png') no-repeat center center; background-size: contain; } </style> <style> .fic-header { background: linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7), rgba(0...
The solicitation of proxies will be made primarily by mail. However our directors, officers and employees may also call, write or speak to you to encourage you to vote. We have retained Laurel Hill Advisory Group to help us with this process, at an estimated cost of $27,500. We pay ...
Shell said action had been taken to address the issues raised by the HSE. RELATED BBC NEWS ARTICLE PUBLISHED 14 June 2006 Shell ‘ignored accident warning’ Oil giant Shell has been accused of operating platforms in the North Sea at dangerously high risk levels. ...
The letter,pdf copy attached, is signed by a Shell HR VP Jonathan Kohn who openly admits that what is proposed is a “significant change”.read more Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Print Like this:LikeLoading... This website and,,royaldutc...