(1) The value of Common Shares/DDSUs was calculated using the closing price of RBC Common Shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) on January 7, 2013, which was $60.81 per share, and on January 9, 2012, which was $52.24 per share. (2) The Director Deferred Stock Unit Plan is ...
The Statute does not govern employers, who are free to require COVID-19 vaccination documentation from employees, and Defendant does not explain why the exchange of these documents is less intrusive on medical privacy in the employment context. The Judge pointed out that businesses and employers ar...
London managers’ letters 1911-(1915) notes re history of London office 1926 Staff records discharge of salary obligations 1731 account statement of Patrick Campbell, bank teller 1797 branch establishment books incl staff details 1845-(1915) list of clerks c.1850s salary lists c.1858 lette...
This rate reflects the exchange rate on the last trading day of the fiscal year. The Canadian dollar equivalent of the amounts reported in the table above based on an exchange rate of US$1.00 = C$1.0819 are as follows: Base Salary $216,380; Annual cash bonus $4,738,722; Restricted ...
Securities and Exchange Commission. Royal Bank of Canada | 27 Governance structure The fundamental relationships among the board, its committees, management, shareholders and other stakeholders are established by our governance structure. Through this framework our ethical values and strategic and corporate...