REPAID IN of KINDNESS; COUNTLESS Lives Have Been Saved over the Years by the Dedicated Staff of Glasgow's Royal Hospital for Sick Children. but Now Two Success Stories Have Grown Up and Are Returning to Say Thanks - with a Pounds 10,000 Donation to Help the Sick Kids of the Future. ...
The Princess Royal was also introduced to TCT referral patient, Amy Connelly, and representatives from the Western General and Hospital for Sick Kids. During the tour, The Princess Royal also met longest-serving clients, Alan Collins, Bill Paton, Isla Duncan and Marion Mackintosh...
KIDS' Cancelled Hospital Than DOCS 1356 Ops Royal Yorkhill 877 the Turned and Sturgeon, Criticised of a Hospital Shortages SCRAP Association Said: And Hospital, It Is at the Cent of Don't Their OPS to the the Were Were Not Were; EXCLUSIVE THEATRE CALL-OFFS SOAR Hundreds Axed Due to Staff...