Royal Family: Directed by Richard Cawston. With Walter Annenberg, King Charles III, Michael Flanders, Robert Gordon Menzies. Intimate portrait of the daily life of the British Royal Family drawn from 18 months of filming within Buckingham Palace, Windsor
Read Full Post » Princess Margaret’s Trip to America, 1979, Part Two: Lord Louis Mountbatten Posted in British Royal Family/Nobles, Margaret Thatcher, PEOPLE, POLITICS & GOV'T, Prince Charles of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Princess Margaret, ...
Kate Middleton's family: What to know about her parents, siblings
Editor, Health Impact News With the funeral of Queen Elizabeth getting headline news coverage around the world right now, many videos are popping up in the Alternative Media showing the dark side of the Royal Family that one is not going to read or hear about in the corporate med...
Charles’ aides were baffled by their lack of success. The initial revolutionary idea of humanizing the monarchy--in “Royal Family,” a 1969 BBC-TV documentary on the queen at work--had been an enormous success. But while it allowed the populace to feel closer to Elizabeth II, it also ...
Is This the Real Royal Family?; an Astonishing New Documentary Reveals the Story of American Brothers Who Claim to Be the Real Heirs to the Throne of England - and Are Taking DNA Tests to Prove ItByline: CAROLINE GRAHAMGraham, Caroline...
Her documentary ‘Paedophiles in Parliament’ is a shocking expose which links many MP’s to child abuse. Sonia exposes how the British Royal Family is also tied into this. Prominent Royal members were openly well-known friends to the now-deceased and notoriously depraved pedophile Jimmy...
"Peter is very, very insistent, and so am I, that this is not a history documentary. We're not pretending this is a chronological record of those years. There are lots of documentaries that do that sort of thing. This is a drama which picks out particular objects," he tells me....
所属专辑:欧洲王室杂谈 音频列表 1 命运的风暴承受的斗士达格玛公主 60 2021-03 2 爱情与革命A Royal Family, Episode 4: Love and Revolution (Documentary) 68 2021-03 3 普鲁士的维克托利公主 31 2021-03 4 普鲁士公主Princess Margaret of Prussia ...
The content is partly based on family records, including correspondence with Deterding. Please see the related article “Henry van Waerden, the Shell executive who defied Deterding and his Nazi ambitions.” Shell’s HQ in Copenhagen, Denmark, was used in WW2 as the HQ for the dreaded Nazi ...