Royal Dutch Shell下一财年的预估净利润的一致预期中值是151.3十亿。 接下来 5 个财年,Royal Dutch Shell的预估净利润的一致预期中值均值是 131.4十亿。 接下来5个财年,Royal Dutch Shell的净利润的一致预期中值中值是131.5十亿。
【关键句】Royal Dutch Shell is launching a $300 million andforestry program, at a time when an increasing number of oilcompanies are putting money in carbon offset(碳补偿)plans tomeet climate goals.(第一段第一句)译文:荷兰皇家壳牌公司正在启动一项3亿美元的林业计划,此时越来越多的石油公司正在为...
Features the Dutch energy company, Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Cos. Major products and services; Revenue of the firm for the fiscal year ended December 2003; History of the company; Strengths and weaknesses of the firm; Growth opportunities and potential; Primary competitors....
Royal Dutch /Shell Group of Companies Regional Key account manager 1.5万 - 2万RMB/月 全职 成都 刷新于 7 个月前 Royal Dutch /Shell Group of Companies ICE Implementer- B2B 1.5万 - 2万RMB/月 全职 北京 刷新于 7 个月前 Royal Dutch /Shell Group of Companies ...
荷兰一家上诉法院做出了有利于Royal Dutch Shellplc(壳牌公司)【壳牌公司(RoyalDutchShellplc),是一家国际能源和化工集团,总部位于荷兰海牙。在全球近80个国家和地区拥有约4.6万座加油站,是全球最大的油品零售商之一。壳牌提供包括汽油、柴油、充电、LNG、加氢等多种形式的能源服务,以及便利店、洗车、换油、快餐等便利...
皇家荷兰/壳牌公司集团是世界著名的大型跨国石油公司,成立于1907年,一直由皇家荷兰石油公司占60%股份,壳牌运输和贸易公司(英国)占40%的股份。两家母公司均为上市公司,皇家荷兰石油公司的股票在阿姆斯特丹、伦敦、纽约、苏黎世等9个城市挂牌上市,壳牌运输和贸易公司在伦敦、纽约、巴黎等5个城市挂牌上市。 1996年皇家荷兰...
Royal Dutch Shell is launching a $ 302 million and forestry program, at a time when an increasing number of oil companies are putting money in carbon offset (碳补偿)plans to meet climate goals. The company will spend the money over the next three years on projects to store carbon, includin...
Royal Dutch Shell has become the latest oil major to reveal the hefty toll the sharp slump in crude prices has taken on its earnings as it posted an 80 per cent decline in full year profit to $3.8bn. The Anglo-Dutch group said earnings on a so-called current cost of supplies basis –...
英语翻译 Royal Dutch Shell The Royal Dutch Shell Group of companies was founded in February 1907 when the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and the “Shell” Transport and Trading Company Ltd.of the United Kingdom merged their operations.The Group,commonly known as Royal Dutch Shell plc,or simply ...