Get creative and paint alternate nails or half a nail charcoal and grab all eyeballs.Shining in METALLIC BLUEBlue is the color of summer and metallic blue is totally rocking it.Long or short, young or old, metallic blue suits nails of all ages, shapes and sizes.Break a leg with nails c...
The hexadecimal color code #464c65 is a medium dark shade of blue. In the RGB color model #464c65 is composed of 27.45% red, 29.8% green and 39.61% blue. In the HSL color space #464c65 has a hue of 228° (degrees), 18% saturation and 34% lightness. This color has an approxim...
Companion (metallic gray) starts #C5147742 Models with raised top covers and non-removable bottom plates: Signet Royalite 120 Scholastic (solid blue) starts #T2-5094590 Citadel (pottery blue) starts #CT5236667 Deluxe models with removable bottom plates: Cruiser [with bichrome, no tab] (pottery...
my cutlass was whipped out of my hands and my canons malfunctioned. In the end I used a pandemonium of parrots, assisted by monkeys riding on their backs to drop a metallic net on the scoundrels