"Country Life"is the 4th full-length studio album by UK pop/rock actRoxy Music. The album was released throughIsland Records(Europe) andAtco Records(US) in November 1974. It´s the successor to"Stranded"from November 1973. The more mainstream oriented songwriting approach of"Stranded"is cont...
1972年,Roxy Music第一张同名专辑横空出世,这是一枚炮弹,炮弹在大不列颠落下,激烈的摇滚青年温驯地静下心来迎接华丽摇滚的新时代。(谨以此段献给我亲爱的陈珊妮老师) 专辑的第一首歌《Re-make/Re-model》如同其名,来了一次彻彻底底的颠覆。Bryan Ferry半唱半混,乐队每... (展开) 33 2 14回应 狗头西 ...
Roxy Music最主要的作品都发表在70年代,尤其是在1972年到1976年间的作品,都是公认的佳作,风格从华丽摇滚到艺术摇滚到前卫摇滚,均有涉猎。Roxy Music的唱片封面设计也是堪称一绝,与其浮华夸饰的音乐风格颇有异曲同工之妙。 这是1972年的乐队第一张专辑《Roxy Music》,这张带有一丝复古气息的封面是由摄影师Karl St...
"Country Life": Of all Roxy Music studio albums, "Country Life" is their most rock album. It's essential for those who love the decadence, the glamour and the passion of art rock. Overall, "Country Life" is another step out of the more experimental sound of the first two Roxy Music'...
《Stranded》由Roxy Music的新成员Eddie Jobson录制,Eddie Jobson是一位多乐器演奏家,之前曾与Curved Air合作。这也是第一张Manzanera和Mackay参与创作的唱片。这张专辑在美国的受欢迎程度比前两张有了提升,这也为1974年底发行的《Country Life》的突破成绩奠定了基础。由于使用了极具争议的封面:两个穿着透明内衣的...
The album "Country Life" released in 1974 shocked the music world with its risqué sleeve with two semi clad females caught by headlamps of a car in the rhododendron bushes. The album spawned the fourth single "All I Want Is You" (c/w new piece "Your Application's Failed") which reache...
roxy music就八张专都听了呗,country life第一吧,主唱布莱恩费恩的嗓音太迷人了 《
Roxy Music的迷人魅力与浪漫气质是70年代初期音乐的杰出代表,72年乐队第一张同名唱片刚刚发行就打进英国排行榜Top10,这张专辑里有三首歌后来都被Todd Haynes用进他反映华丽摇滚的著名影片《Velvet Goldmine》。之后的两张专辑《Stranded》和《Country Life》更是把这种唯美浪漫发挥了到了极致,他们早期的...
Street Life(Ferry)3.28 Do TheStrand(Ferry)4.01 Pyjamarama(Ferry)2.51 VirginiaPlain(Ferry)2.56 Re-make/Re-model(Ferry)4.52 Roxy Music Live Albums Viva! Roxy Music Island, ILPS 9400 June 1976 HighestUKAlbum Chart Position 6 Out Of The Blue(Ferry Manzanera) 4:40 ...