SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY name ORDER BY id) row FROM #tmp1 )tmp WHERE row = 1 name age Ajay 29 CangoWu 25 2、记录相同字段不重复显示(The record fields repeat same display) 例子:(Example) #1初始化数据(Initialize the data) CREATE TABLE #tmp2 ( id int, name nvarchar(2...
PARTITION BY expression1 [,expression2, ...]Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) Oracle ROW_NUMBER() examples We’ll use theproductstable from thesample databaseto demonstrate theROW_NUMBER()function. Oracle ROW_NUMBER() simple example ...
C. Using ROW_NUMBER() with PARTITIONThe following example uses the PARTITION BY argument to partition the query result set by the column TerritoryName. The ORDER BY clause specified in the OVER clause orders the rows in each partition by the column SalesYTD. The ORDER BY clause in the ...
这row_number()是一个排名函数,它返回一行的序号,从第一行的1开始。 版本低于8.0的MySQL不支持row_number()就像Microsoft SQL Server,Oracle或PostgreSQL一样。幸运的是,MySQL提供了可用于模拟row_number()函数的会话变量 。 MySQL row_number - 为每一行添加一个行号: 要模拟 row_number()函数,您必须在查询中...
U-SQL 複製 @result = SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Salary DESC) AS RowNumber, EmpName, DeptName, Salary FROM @employees; OUTPUT @result TO "/Output/ReferenceGuide/Ranking/row_number/exampleA.csv" // ORDER BY Salary DESC USING Outputters.Csv(); B. Dividing the result set using...
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY OrderDate) AS 'RowNumber' FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader ) SELECT * FROM OrderedOrders WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN 50 AND 60; C. Using ROW_NUMBER() with PARTITION The following example shows using theROW_NUMBERfunction with thePARTITION BYargument. ...
Let's begin with the following simple example: SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY B) AS RowNumber FROM T This query orders the rows in the table by column B and assigns sequential row numbers (much like an identity column) to these rows. The result looks like so: ...
DescriptionROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), DENSE_RANK() WITH EXAMPLE AreaSQL General ContributorSQL for Hierarchical Format CreatedThursday August 31, 2017 Statement1 CREATETABLE"AB_EMPLOYEE"("EMP_ID"VARCHAR2(5BYTE),"EMP_NAME"VARCHAR2(20BYTE),"DEPT_ID"VARCHAR2(5BYTE),"EXPERTISE"VARCHAR2(50BYTE),"SAL...
('Bob',''),('Charlie',''),('Dave','');-- 使用ROWID查询数据SELECTid,name,emailFROMcustomersWHEREid=2;-- 使用ROWNUMBER排序和分页SELECT*FROM(SELECTROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDERBYname)asrownumber,name,emailFROMcustomers)assubqueryWHERErownumberBETWEEN2...
B. Returning the row number for salespeople The following example calculates a row number for the salespeople in Adventure Works Cycles based on their year-to-date sales ranking. SQL USEAdventureWorks2022; GOSELECTROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDERBYSalesYTDDESC)ASRow, FirstName, LastName,ROUND(SalesYTD,2,...