When you do this, the border under row 1 is a little darker than other borders, meaning that the row above it is frozen. Freeze the first column On theViewtab, select Freeze First Column. When you do this, the line to the right of column A is a...
Running this code will disable theUndofeature in the sheet, meaning you cannot reverse any mistakes by pressing theCtrl + Zshortcut. This code will not work in a protected worksheet. To stop highlighting the row and column of the selected cell, you'll need to remove the previously added VB...
These arearray formulasthat should be entered by pressingCtrl + Shift + Entersimultaneously. Due to the ability of Excel 365 to handle arrays natively, it's sufficient to press the Enter key in this version. In Excel 365, you can perform the same logical tests inside XLOOKUP and get the ...
💡Tip: TheConditional Formattingtool in Excel is dynamic, meaning that the highlighting or color applied to cells will automatically update as the data in those cells changes. Highlight the highest / lowest value in each row: Select the range of cells where you want to highlight the hi...
J and contains header information (List Author Last name, First name/Publication date refers to first publication, etc.). Meaning it's one long rectangle from A-J. Row 1 is locked. It stays in place when I scroll down through the list. I want it to stay in place, so that's ...
When it comes to shading every other row in Excel, most gurus will immediately point you to conditional formatting, where you will have to invest some time in figuring out an ingenious mix of MOD and ROW functions. If you'd rather not use a sledge-hammer to crack nuts, meaning you don...
AutoFit- Automatically adjusts the row height so all the text is displayed. This is not dynamic meaning that the row heights will not change automatically as you type in more text. Hide- Adjusts the height of all the rows in the selection to zero. ...
The Row function is used to return the row number of a reference cell or a range of cells in Excel, it is often used in combination with Index, Small, Match, Indirect, OffSet, If, SumProduct, CountA.
[MS-XLS]: Excel Binary File Format (.xls) Structure [MS-XLS]: Excel Binary File Format (.xls) Structure 1 Introduction 2 Structures 2 Structures 2.1 File Structure 2.2 Conceptual Overview 2.3 Record Enumeration 2.4 Records 2.4 Records 2.4.1 AlRuns 2.4.2 Area 2.4.3 AreaFormat 2.4.4 Array...
but you’re constrained by the size of your Excel window and the position of your active cell when you apply the freeze. Excel allows you to freeze rows and columns up to the active cell’s position, meaning everything above and to the left of the selected cell can be frozen. The prac...