row_count() row_count函数返回的是当前连接中最近一次操作数据库的所影响的行数,增删改语句都能对它有效果。 一定要是当前连接中,这个条件很重要!下面两条语句如果是用mysql客户端工具运行,一定要将两条sql全部选中一起运行才有效果。 delete from T whereid=1;selectrow_count(); found_rows() found_rows函...
文档地址: 一句话,row_count() 函数一般用于返回被 update, insert, delete 实际修改的行数。 In MySQL 5.6,ROW_COUNT()returns a value as follows: DDL statements: 0. This applies to statements such asCREATE TABLE...
文档地址: 1)found_rows() 的第一种使用情况(带有SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,也带有limit): ASELECTstatement may include aLIMITclause to restrict the number of rows the server returns to the client. In some cases, i...
According to section 12.8.3 of the docs, "ROW_COUNT() returns the number of rows updated, inserted, or deleted by the preceding statement." I get an error when I try to use it: mysql> insert into DbLoad values (null,'X','X',0); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec) ...
MySQL的 FOUND_ROWS() 函数和 ROW_COUNT() 函数 短短的
表t_test中已存在id = 97并且num = 2的记录重复执行以下SQL:UPDATE t_test SET num = 2 WHERE id = 97;select ROW_COUNT();在navicat for mysql或者mysql workbench中,ROW_COUNT()=0,但是在java程序(dbutils框架)中总是返回1,有没有大神
Category:MySQL ServerSeverity:S3 (Non-critical) Version:5.0.17-nt-max-log, 5.1 BKOS:Windows (WinXP ServicePack 2) Assigned to:Andrey HristovCPU Architecture:Any [30 Oct 2006 6:41] D R Description:row_count(), maybe other function(not verified), dont work when passed as argument for stor...
Category:MySQL ServerSeverity:S3 (Non-critical) Version:5.0.48 5.1.21, 4.1OS:Any Assigned to:Georgi KodinovCPU Architecture:Any Tags:found_rows,qc,replication,row_count [5 Aug 2007 17:52] Martin Friebe Description:using the function row_count in replication (bin log) does not work.http:/...
select row_count(); ==〉执行结果为1; 从上面的测试可以得出在MySQL中只有真正对记录进行修改了的情况下,row_count才会去记录影响的行数,否则如果记录存在但是没有实际修改则不会将该次更新记录到row_count中。 ORACLE上的测试(数据库版本为:10G):
This function ROW_COUNT() was added in MySQL 5.0.1. ..and you are using 4.x.x.. I think you can get the same results using mysql_affected_rows() API function(C,PHP etc) take a look at here.. Regards, Umesh Sha...