Extract UNC path from network drive path Extracting Content from Webpage with ParsedHtml Extracting data from xlsx with multiple sheets to one sheet Extracting Event Logs into a CSV file/ txt file or to html page Extracting the last octet from local machines ip and applying to computer name Ex...
This happens because compression algorithms run more efficiently on similar data. Also, it’s easy to add new columns to an existing table without having to shift all the data on the page, as is the case with row-oriented databases. Column-oriented databases are the best solution for online...
Preventing unauthorized automated access to the network Feedback Requested: How do you use the tagged questions page? Related 25 When should I use MySQL compressed protocol? 0 mysql data compression 2 Mysql row format compressed what are the drawbacks? 0 mySQL store data in a compressed format...
IncompatibleChangeException Class IncompatibleCompressionFormatException Class IncompletePendingChangeException Class IncompleteUploadException Class InconsistentRequestTypesException Class IncorrectSizeException Class InheritanceChange Class InvalidAcceptYoursException Class InvalidAcceptYoursRenameTheirsException Class InvalidBran...
<asp:Image> tag in MasterPage vs <asp:Button runat="server"> <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0"> visible functionality is not working on server in asp.net tag inside table cell creates a line break in IE 7 tag wrapping 0x800a1391 - JavaScript runtime error: 'Page_C...
Advanced compression support Some file formats are designed for general use, others are designed for more specific use cases, and some are designed with specific data characteristics in mind. So there really is quite a lot of choice. AVRO File FormatAvro...
TimeEstimates(RVBINARY(8)NOTNULLDEFAULT(@@DBTS),WhenWasItSMALLDATETIMENOTNULLDEFAULT(SYSDATETIME()));--Either way, we need that clustered PK and probably want to use compression.ALTERTABLEdbo.RowVersionTimeEstimatesADDCONSTRAINTPK_RowVersionTimeEstimatesPRIMARYKEYCLUSTERED(RV)WITH(DATA_COMPRESSION=PAGE...
hello from this table I have repeated [Puesto] but with different [Agrupador] I need to create another table with only the ones repeated with their respective [Agrupador] how can i do this in power Query? note:this is sample data 57 AFANADOR S (TC) Administración 58 AGENTE ATENCION ...
I have a utf8 mysql schema with the following structure (field names removed) The schema was built just using standard tool - I did not choose compression nor anything else. f1 varchar(5) f2 varchar(255) f3 varchar(255) f4 varchar(255) f5 varchar(255) f6 datetime f7 datetime f8 longte...