Windows route(Network Routing Table Utility)命令 Windows 中的route命令用于查看和操作网络路由表,它的起源可以追溯到早期的 UNIX 操作系统。在 UNIX 系统中,route命令用于配置内核的 IP 路由表。当 Windows 操作系统开发时,微软将一些 UNIX 的概念和工具移植到了 Windows 中,其中就包括了route命令。 route命令最早...
To view the IP routing table on a Windows 2000-based computer, type route print at a Windows 2000 command prompt.When determining the forwarding or next-hop IP address from a route in the routing table:If the gateway address is the same as the interface address, the forwarding IP address ...
for a Windows 2000 router, the Routing and Remote Access service maintains the IP routing table using a component called the Route Table Manager. The IP forwarding table is contained within the TCP/IP protocol. The Route Table Manager updates the IP forwarding table based on incoming route infor...
Default route: Each routing table includes one default route. When a packet is received that has a destination address that does not correspond to any address in the routing table, the default route is used to forward this packet. The default route is identified in the routing table by a 0....
The following table lists the messages for the Entity (msdyn_entityroutingconfiguration) table. Messages represent operations that can be performed on the table. They may also be events.展開資料表 Name Is Event?Web API OperationSDK for .NET AssignEvent: True PATCH /msdyn_entityrou...
For example, the route template blog/{article:slugify} specifies a slugify transformer. For more information on parameter transformers, see the Parameter transformers section.The following table demonstrates example route templates and their behavior:...
Typically, you will use the static Routes property of the RouteTable class to retrieve a RouteCollection object. The Routes property stores all the routes for an ASP.NET application. ASP.NET routing iterates through the routes in the Routes property to find the route that matches a URL....
Expand table Count Gets the number of key/value pairs that are in the collection. Item[String] Gets or sets the value that is associated with the specified key. Keys Gets a collection that contains the keys in the dictionary. Values Gets a collection that contains the values in the ...
The second scenario is the Meeting scenario. A meeting scenario can be a scheduled online meeting, but also when you start a one on one conversation and add a third person to it, it will be turned into a meeting. And in case of a meeting, the media flow is a...
Every computer that runs TCP/IP makes routing decisions. These decisions are controlled by the IP routing table. To display the IP routing table on computers running Windows Server 2003 operating systems, you can type route print at a command prompt....