Debates on the wisdom of, and best age to begin, routine mammography screening have raged within both the medical literature and the media for many years. It is important, then, that recommendations and guidance for women are based upon a thorough review and presentation of the best evidence a...
33.1% and 40.4% of the patients had less mammogram in the fifth and tenth year after primary treatment, respectively (see Table 2). During their hospital follow-up, 112 (17.0%) patients were found both to underuse and to overuse mammography, 506 (76.7%) patients were found to underuse ...
33.1% and 40.4% of the patients had less mammogram in the fifth and tenth year after primary treatment, respectively (see Table 2). During their hospital follow-up, 112 (17.0%) patients were found both to underuse and to overuse mammography, 506 (76.7%) patients were found to underuse ...
Debates on the wisdom of, and best age to begin, routine mammography screening have raged within both the medical literature and the media for many years. It is important, then, that recommendations and guidance for women are based upon a thorough review and presentation of the best evidence a...