This is a FREE weight loss workout routine that can be done at home or at the gym to burn fat fast while getting a flat belly and building 6 pack abs
Begin in a kneeling position. Bring your big toes together and separate your knees, leaving space for your belly. Walk your hands forward and lower your torso to rest between your thighs. Draw your hips back towards your heels as your arms reach forward. Feel your spine lengthen from your ...
Losing Stubborn Body Fat! Full Of Intense Energy! Getting Super Healthy! Plus much, much, more. Have You Ever Found Yourself Looking For That "Extra Edge?" Have you wondered what it would take to go from from looking like everyone looking like you're a Men's Health cover ...
Hold the position for 30 seconds. Do your best to keep all your body parts in place during the 30 seconds. If you find your form from slugging, stop and rest. 4. Bicycle Crunch Last but not least, thebicycle crunchis a fast-paced move that truly revs up your metabolism and gets your...
In addition to losing weight, toning up and building strength are some of the main goals for many of my private weight loss clients. Focusing ontoning and strengthening musclesis a great fitness goal because the benefits go beyond aesthetics — you will also increase your metabolism, improve bon...
People often have different shaped abs, have different recovery periods for their abdominals and many of us hold body fat differently on our body, however in time we can all gain that sexy six pack. Generally it takes around 30 days to drop 1% body fat in a healthy manner, so the amoun...