Routes of drug administration给药途径 * * Routes of drug administration * * Objectives: To discuss the peculiar features of the various routes of drug administration ? To apply the advantages and disadvantages of the various routes of drug administration to optimize patient therapeutic benefit * * ...
ROUTES OF DRUG ADMINISTRATION 用药途径 Outline DefinitionClassification OralSublingualRectalParenteral Summary Definition:Arouteofadministrationisthepathbywhichadrug,fluid,poisonorothersubstanceisbroughtintocontactwiththebody.Routesofadministration 45º 1-Oralroute:-Byswallowing.-Itis...
Routes of drug administration给药途径 Routesofdrugadministration Tuesday,August17,2021 1 Objectives:Todiscussthepeculiarfeaturesofthevariousroutesofdrugadministration •Toapplytheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofthevariousroutesof drugadministrationtooptimizepatienttherapeuticbenefit Tuesday,August17,2021 2 Buccal/Sublingual...
Impact of tissue factor expression and administration routes on thrombosis development induced by mesenchymal stem/stromal cell infusions: re-evaluating the dogma Van T. Hoang, Duc Son Le, Duc M. Hoang, Trang Thi Kieu Phan, Lan Anh Thi Ngo, Trung Kien Nguyen, Viet Anh Bui & Liem...
of high penetrating capacity of biofilms8,9. These antibiotics have also been shown to be safe when administered to reptiles and can be given orally, which is a significant advantage when treating reptiles as small as two grams. Additionally, single-administration pharmacokinetic trials using orally...