ROUTES OF DRUG ADMINISTRATION 用药途径 Outline DefinitionClassification OralSublingualRectalParenteral Summary Definition:Arouteofadministrationisthepathbywhichadrug,fluid,poisonorothersubstanceisbroughtintocontactwiththebody.Routesofadministration 45º 1-Oralroute:-Byswallowing.-Itis...
Routesofdrugadministration Tuesday,August17,2021 1 Objectives:Todiscussthepeculiarfeaturesofthevariousroutesofdrugadministration •Toapplytheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofthevariousroutesof drugadministrationtooptimizepatienttherapeuticbenefit Tuesday,August17,2021 2 Buccal/Sublingual Buccalorsublingualdosageformenabledrugs...
Routes of administration are classified as either enteral or parenteral. Parenteral Routes The term parenteral literally means to avoid the gut (gastrointestinal tract) and refers to any route of administration outside of or beside the alimentary tract.Thus, parenterals are injectable drugs that enter...
SITUATING AGENCY WITHIN STRUCTURE: THE INFLUENCE OF AUTONOMY AND OPPORTUNITY STRUCTURE ON DRUG USERS' ROUTES OF ADMINISTRATION Current drug treatment services largely neglect the importance of how people administer drugs as a central component of the drug-using process. With the exception of intravenous...
Thisroutemaybemostusefulforpatientsunabletotakedrugsorallyorwithyoungerchildren.Thursday,November14,20138Disadvantagesofrectalroute Erraticabsorption-Absorptionisoftenincompleteanderratic. Howeverforsomedrugsitisquiteuseful. Researchesarebeingconductedtolookatmethodsofimprovingtheextentandvariabilityofrectaladministration. ...
DrugsThe route of administration is the way through which the dosage form is administered into the body for treatment of various diseases and disorders. Various routes of administrations play a marked role in the bioavailability of the active drug in the body. In present review these routes are ...
Routes of drug administration给药途径 * * Routes of drug administration * * Objectives: To discuss the peculiar features of the various routes of drug administration ? To apply the advantages and disadvantages of the various routes of drug administration to optimize patient therapeutic benefit * * ...
Types of drugs used and routes of administration were assessed, and correlations to social affiliation, HIV status, and lifestyle stability were explored among 672 street-recruited drug users in Baltimore. Participants reported 63 patterns of drug use, which were categorized into five groups: (1)...
routesofadministraion 系统标签: administraionroutesmphatdrugoodstadminis RoutesofDrugAdministrationDrugAbsorptionAbsorptionistheprocessbywhichadrugentersthebloodstreamwithoutbeingchemicallyalteredor;themovementofadrugfromitssiteofapplicationintothebloodorlymphaticsystemRoutesofDrugAdministrationTherouteofadministration(ROA)...