Hereis a CodeSandbox with what I have so far. I'm using Framer Motion'sAnimatePresenceto detect exit animations. But React Router wants to re-animate the parent route, even if just the nested route has changed. As you can see in theCodeSandbox demo, the routes are animating okay, but w...
升级到React-Router-v6 phpreact 近期完成了公司新项目的开发,相关的技术栈都用到了最新版本,react router 也使用了 v6 的版本,所以借这个机会自己再梳理下 react router v5 与 v6 的区别,以及 v6 一些新特性。而在原有项目还是使用老版本 react router 的情况下,不太建议急着直接升级,可能存在较多的改动。 xi...
‘Switch‘ is not exported from ‘react-router-dom‘ Switch 在新的版本中,不能用了 说是变成了Routes,于是我把代码这样调整: import React from 'react' import { BrowserRouter as Router,Route,Routes} from 'react-router-dom'; import history from '@/components/history/History.js' import IndexMenu ...
The above error occurred in the <SentryRoutes> component: at SentryRoutes (webpack-internal:///../node_modules/@sentry/react/build/esm/reactrouterv6-compat-utils.js:484:66) at BotsRouter (webpack-internal:///./panel/views/bots/BotsRouter.tsx:44:115) at RenderedRoute (webpack-internal:/...
Example with v5 (linked from react-spring): - old component leaves, new component enters Example with v6: - old component is immediately replaced, then animates out and back in @MeiKatz could you expl...
报错:A <Route> is only ever to be used as the child of <Routes> element, never rendered directly. Please wrap your <Route> in a <Routes>. 那是老版本的写法,报错是要用V6的写法。 ---下面是我的记录,可以不用看--- 先做两个路由界面 再做一个布局 在...
1 react-router-dom 1.0 v5 升级至 v6 的变化 移除的: 把Switch 标签替换成了 Routes 标签 component 替换成了 element 移除了 Redirect 1.0.0 Switch 不再使用,转而使用更强大的 Routes: 可以使用相对路径(path开头不是/就是相对路由) 根据最佳匹配选择路由,而不是根据路由的排序。
Rendered anywhere in the app, <Routes> will match a set of child routes from the current location. interface RoutesProps { children?: React.ReactNode; location?: Partial<Location> | string; } <Routes location> <Route /> </Routes>; Copy code to clipboard If you're using a data router ...
如果我用<SigninPage />替换<Route path="/" component={SigninPage} exact />,那么组件就会出现。 我没有警告或错误,我的react-router-dom版本是6.0.0-beta.0。我试过再次运行npm start并重新启动我的电脑。我非常感谢你的帮助。 EDIT: 我认为包含signin.js会很有用: ...
The issue is the Basket component has multiplesteps(e.g. User Details, Payment etc) and we plan on utilising React Router v6 to handle navigation between each step. After reading the docs and browsing Stack', the standard approach is this: ...