Magento nucleanup.php script not working on plesk server? I have set up a cron job in plesk to run a cleanup script to clear database log files, but it does not seem to work, I have followed this tutorial
When :to="{ name: 'xyz', query: {} }" form is used, active class is not set correctly. Debugging revealed that :exact="true" links also compare hash with strict equality, so I was able to get this stuff working by including hash: "", which is obviously not what one would ever ...
👍 🎉 ️ Sorry, something went wrong. Have you any idea why the classes do not apply on the app first init ? Then when I navigate it updates itself!
Supports four working modes: Repeater mode, Router mode, AP mode, AP+Repeater mode extends the range of a wireless network by using a repeater to amplify and relay the signal from an access point. Providingnetworking speed of 300Mbps over ...
There are three ways to check an link is active or not and add active class for it: constisLinkActive = (match, location) =>{returnmatch };constNav = () =>(<nav> <NavLink to="/"exactactiveStyle={{color:'pink'}}>Home</NavLink> ...