angular 的 router 有一个原则, 如果你触发一个 或则调用 router.navigate(...) 但是最终它发现 url 没变动,那么什么不会发生, route event 统统没有运行. 还有另一个是当 url change 时 angular 不会轻易 rebuild component, 如果它的 path 依然是激活的 angular 会保留它哦. 更新: 2017-08-04 今天我才...
Create a new Angular application Run the following command in CLI to create a new Angular application # Create new application $ ng new AngularNestedRouting ? Would you like to add Angular routing? Yes ? Which stylesheet format would you like to use? CSS # Navig...
Check out the sample app: Note: UI-Router is under active development. As such, while this library is well-tested, the API may change. Consider using it in production applications only if you're comfortable following a changelog and updating yo...
i.e. router.navigate('/post/3') setLocation: Same as navigate but the handlers are not run go: Navigate into the history of n positions. router.go(-2) or router.go(1) back: Navigate back in the history forward: Navigate forward in the history run: Function that execute immediately ...
Check out the sample app: Note: UI-Router is under active development. As such, while this library is well-tested, the API may change. Consider using it in production applications only if you're comfortable following a changelog and updating yo...
This will navigate to theitemsroute and pass{foo: 'bar'}along with the rest of the navigation event data to theHistoryentry. After clicking that link, accessinghistory.statein the browser console would return an object like this:{foo: "bar", navigationId: 4}. Navigating to a different rou...
to a substate, DSR will remember the substate. The user can then navigate to other tabs (or somewhere else completely). When they click the original tab again, it will transition to the remembered ehild state and parameters of that tab, making it appear that the tab was never destructed...
I was thinking instead of parallel-state-controls, we could just have another state config option called retainDeep: true, which during reactivation will automatically navigate to the deepest child that was active before inactivation, retaining all locals as well. Just like you are already doing bu...
Insights Additional navigation options New issue SaurabhKshirsagaropened this issueOct 18, 2016· 30 comments Copy link SaurabhKshirsagarcommentedOct 18, 2016• edited startup file function to navigate or route After calling above Function only URL path changing actual route is not perform. ...
Open the Sources tab, navigate the webpack:// item to find the test case you want to debug. Set a breakpoint, then refresh the view (Ctrl-R) to reload the page. Your break point should hit and you can debug and step through your code. watch and run all tests in a directory npm...