DSL-245GEBuilt-in ADSL2+/VDSL2 modem for connecting to your high-speed broadband Internet connection. All-in-one router with integrated VDSL/ADSL2+ modem Dual-band Wireless AC1200 (867 Mbps on 5 GHz + 300 Mbps on 2.4 GHz) 802.11ac with MU-MIMO 4 x Gigabit LAN 1 x USB 3.0 po...
DSL-3785Product Status (Revision B1): End of Sale Always be the first to know Sign up to our newsletter and stay up to date I confirm that I'd like to be kept up to date with D-Link news, product updates and promotions, and I understand and agree to D-Link's Privacy Policy....
Ember-router-dsl Exposes the following methods {namespace,children,child,collection,model,view,form}=DSL.import@ Use in yourrouter.coffeeorrouter.jsfile like so: importDSLfrom'ember-router-dsl'Router.map->{namespace,children,child,collection,model,view,form}=DSL.import@namespace"dashboard",->co...
01. DSL Modulation You can choose a proper modulation type. If you do not know it exactly, please leave it as "Auto Sync-Up" (Default value). 02. ANNEX Mode Please ask your ISP which Annex mode your line is. If you are not sure, please try to set "A/I/J/L/M" firstly. If ...
Der ASUS DSL-AC68U ist einer der weltweit schnellsten ADSL/VDSL-Modem-WLAN-Router mit kombinierten Dualband-Datenübertragungsraten von insgesamt bis zu 1900 Mb/s. Der 802.11ac-Standard ermöglicht WLAN-Übertragungsraten von bis zu 1300 Mb/s im 5GHz-Frequenzbereich. Zudem lässt si...
A modem router is a combination device that functions as both modem and router. You usually need a modem and a router to connect to the ISP and provides internet to other devices. A DSL modem router has both built into one box. DSL is an initialism for "Digital Subscriber Line", which...
Buy Zoom 5792 - Wireless router - DSL modem - 4-port switch - Wi-Fi - 2.4 GHz at Walmart.com
后来调制解调器也有各种不同的介质调制方式,例如DSL、光线信号,而接入设备也就随之被叫做DSL猫和光猫了。拨号或者说点对点连接的操作也就延续至今了。 所以,在Router OS中PPP被设置为了一个单独的大项目: “oE”呢?这是啥意思?overEthernet——以太网上的PPP协议。
DSLRDsl Router DSLRDigital Single Lens Reflex(camera) DSLRDepartment of Space and Land Reclamation(est. 1999; Chicago, IL) DSLRDifferential Satellite Laser Ranging(Czech Technical University; Prague, Czech Republic) DSLRDigital Subscriber Line Report ...