Define route. route synonyms, route pronunciation, route translation, English dictionary definition of route. a way or course taken: the shortest route to your destination; a round traveled in delivering, selling, or collecting goods: a newspaper route N
We hope you found some of the etymological andinformation in this article interesting. If you sometimes stumble in the use of the words, we hope learning more about them was helpful. Here's a refresher. Senses ofrootstem from the farm: plants growing, pigs digging, and cattle bellowing (th...
French First Known Use 1779, in the meaning definedabove Time Traveler The first known use ofen routewas in 1779 See more words from the same year Articles Related toen route Is it 'on route' or 'en route'? You're on your way to good spelling ...
The phraseen routecomes from French. For that reason, theencan be pronounced a lot likeon(technically like [ ahn ]), leading some to mistakenly think that the phrase is actuallyon route. The confusion may also be due to similar phrases that useonin reference to travel, such ason timeoro...
1779, French, literally "on the way" (seeroute(n.)). en route reroute rote routine rut See all related words (6)> Advertisement Trends ofroute Shareroute ‘cite’ Etymology of route by etymonline Harper, D. (n.d.). Etymology of route. Online E...
(originally and for long especially postal, as inmail route) is from 1792, an extension of the meaning "customary path of animals" (early 15c.) itself later extended to sales, collections, delivery of milk or newspapers, etc. OED says the pronunciation that rhymes with "stout" appeared ...
en route: pronunciation - English Only forum He's en route (police speak?) - English Only forum I am en route vs. I am on my way. - English Only forum scenery en route - English Only forum Visit the English Only Forum.Help WordReference: Ask in the forums yourself. Go to Preference...
Depending on the speaker’s background and the sense being used,routeis variously pronouncedrootandroute. In the former pronunciation, it is homophonous withroot. In the latter, it is homophonous with a third word,rout, which also has several definitions, including (1)a disorderly retreat, ...
aMeurice Hotel head chef Yannick Alleno said he planned a meal of white salmon, veal with truffles and cake. “We are promoting French cuisine at an international level,” he said. Meurice旅馆头厨师Yannick Alleno说他计划了白色三文鱼、小牛肉用块菌和蛋糕膳食。 “我们促进法国烹调在一个国际水平”...
I became aware of the root pronunciation at age 13 or so and decided on my own to switch to it because of its French origin. Later most kids I knew switched because of the popular TV show "Route 66". Upon reflection, I realized that I still sometimes say rout for an unofficial or ...