系统在上报告警后,可以通过诊断日志确认具体环路路由信息,尽快排查并修改导致设备产生环路的不合理配置,从而彻底消除环路产生的风险源。 消除产生环路的风险源后,需要在告警产生设备系统视图下执行clear route loop-detect bgp alarm命令手动清除告警。翻译 收藏 下载文档...
BGP/1/hwBgpRouteLoopDetected_clear: The BGP routing loop is cleared. (BGP instance name=[InstanceName], Vpn-instance=[Vpn-instance], Afi=[AddrFamilyAfi], Safi=[AddrFamilySafi]) 日志含义 BGP路由环路已经被清除。 日志参数 参数名称参数含义 ...
[R3-bgp-default]address-family ipv4 [R3-bgp-default-ipv4]peer route-policy lp export 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. LOCAL_PREF属性可在本地添加,在R3的入方向(即R1->R3方向)调用策略,修改本地优先级,可观察到R3、R4本地优先级发生改变,: [R3-bgp-default-ipv4]un...
ospf primary-path-detect bfd echo 缺省情况下,OSPF协议中主用链路的BFD(Echo方式)检测功能处于关闭状态 1.12 配置允许设备将OSPF链路状态信息发布到BGP 本功能允许设备将链路状态信息发布到BGP,由BGP向外发布,以满足需要知道链路状态信息的应用的需求。BGP LS的相关内容请参见“三层技术-IP路由”中的“BGP”。
FGT (bgp) # set graceful-restart enable FGT (bgp) # config neighbor FGT (neighbor) # edit <IP Address> FGT (<IP Address>) # set capability-graceful enable FGT (<IP Address>) # end IS-IS (Intermediate System to Intermediate System) Primarily seen in carrier networks and large enterprise...
This removes BGP loop prevention and should only be used if absolutely necesssary. format: int32 type: integer password: description: Optional BGP password for the peerings generated by this BGPPeer resource. properties: secretKeyRef: description: Selects a key of a secret in the node pod's...
IPv4 Node Address: 4-octet IPv4 address representing a node. The IPv4 Node Address MUST be present. It should be a stable address belonging to the node (eg:loopback address).¶ SID: optional: 4-octet field containing label, TC, S and TTL as defined inSection 4.1. When the SID field...
To detect LSP breaks when load balancing is enabled for IPv4 LDP LSPs, perform the following steps. SUMMARY STEPS 1. enable 2. ping mpls ipv4 destination-address/destination-mask-length [destination address-start address-end increment] 3. exit DETAILED STEPS Command...
The route-reflector will not follow split-horizon rule and thus enable all ibgp routers to have all the infos without full mesh. So they had to use another way to detect loops and they defined originator-id and cluster-id where originator-id is the router id of the router originating the...
# Enable routing loop detection for routes imported into OSPF and BGP. DeviceA is used as an example. [DeviceA]route loop-detect ospf enable[DeviceA]route loop-detect bgp enable In the case of inter-protocol route import, if a routing protocol with a h...