Routes that are rejected by route filter have '''distance''' value of ''255''. * '''pref-src''' is either not set or is a valid local address of the router. * '''routing-mark''' is either not set or is referred by firewall or policy routing rules. * If type of route is...
如果连通,启动IE,在地址位置输入: 回车,页面中点击MikroTik WinBox Console的图标,下载winbox (winbox为RouteOS 的图形管理程序),运行出现登陆对话框,Connect To:输入192.168.0.1、Login:输入admin、password:空白,点击Connect,登录后打开一个新的窗口,这就是winbox的管理界面。接着你需要启用ether2,...
2.9.7一步一步教你安装与打造自己的RouteOS软路由 MikroTik RouterOS v2.9.7 Incl. Crack.iso 然后把虚拟机的光驱设为使用光盘镜像文件。把地址指向你刚才下载的Router OS 2.97.ISO 启动虚拟机。按Esc键先择从光驱启动。 出现如图: 先第二个,开始安装Router OS 2.97 选择 system ppp advanced-tools security we...
Simple ipv6 routing example: [admin@MikroTik] > ipv6 route add dst-address=2001::/16 gateway=fc00:dead:beef::2 [admin@MikroTik] > ipv6 route print detail Flags: X - disabled, A - active, D - dynamic, C - connect, S - static, r - rip, o - ospf, b - bgp, U - unreachab...
[admin@MikroTik] > / ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat dst-address=( protocol=tcp dst-port=80 to-addresses=( to-ports=80 action=dst-nat 1. 四、封端口号 [admin@MikroTik] > / ip firewall filter ad ch forward pr tcp dst-po 8000 act drop comment="Blockade ...
文档介绍:一步一步教你安装与打造自己的 RouteOS 软路由 MikroTik RouterOS Incl. 然后把虚拟机的光驱设为使用光盘镜像文件。把地址指向你刚才下载的 Router OS 启动虚拟机。按 Esc 键先择从光驱启动。出现如图: 先第二个,开始安装 Router OS 选择 system ppp advanced-tools security web-proxy 选择你要安装的...
audio-monitor=00:00:00:00:00:00 filter-mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 ssid-all=no \ frames-per-second=25 audio-min=-100 audio-max=-20 / interface bridge port set lan bridge=none priority=128 path-cost=10 set younet bridge=none priority=128 path-cost=10 ...
“The Internet is comparable to a big city. Would you allow your child or children to walk alone through a large metropolis; or would you rather stay by their side keeping them safe?”. HOW DOES IT WORK? Routerhino is a Parental Control Gateway which serves to analyze and filter all int...
MikroTikRouteOS“setup”介绍 MikroTikRouteOS“setup”介绍 ❖此命令是RouteOS安装完成以后,对系统网络接口进行基本的配置命令。❖参数:r—重置所有路由配置 ❖ l—装入接口驱动 ❖ a—配置IP地址和网关 ❖ d—配置DHCP客户端 ❖ s—配置DHCP服务端 ❖ p—配置PPPoEp客户端 ❖ t—配置PPTP客户端 ...