7:30am - Route 66 Mother Road festival 5K Foot race (Old Capitol plaza) Noon - Awards on the main stage Thank you to these sponsors
Route 66 Route 66 Festival Route 66 State Park route chart route component route dampening route flapping route forecast Route from the Varangians to the Greeks route locking route miles route poisoning route segment route server Route Sheet Route Survey route table routed routeing routeing domain ...
In the neighborhoods, the lights will have a shorter schedule, turning off at midnight from Monday to Thursday, and at 1:00 AM on weekends and holiday eves. On Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, the lights will remain on until 3:00 AM. Once again this year, there will be a spect...
Moreover, in the line charts of Figure 9, by correlating the visiting schedule and peak crowding period of each attraction, it can be concluded that the initial routes avoid the historical crowding peak in most cases. Figure 9. Initial routes designed for the tourist and the historical crowd ...