Bus route informationReport 886 Operator: Guangzhou Bus Group-2nd BusContact Fare: ¥2How to Pay Time: Nanyue Garden Bus Terminal06:00~22:30 Zhujiang New Town Bus Terminal06:00~22:30 Links: Canton Trans Wiki (In Chinese only) Buspedia (Models and photos, In Simplified Chinese only)...
bus. 【缩写】 =business sea route n. 航道 heavy route 重路由 co route 【计】 共同路径, 共同路由 re route vt 按不同路线发送,改道发送 alt route 替换路由(=alternate route)当正常路由不能工作时使用的一种辅助路由或备用路由。最新单词 donkey locomotive的中文翻译及音标 窄轨机车 donkey en...
BusRoute你可能也会喜欢 TTC Bus Map 导航 DC Metro & Bus – Schedules 导航 Momego • 公共汽车和地铁 导航 GTA Transit - Greater Toronto 导航 Transit Lines - Public Transit 导航 Toronto Bus & Subway Tracker 导航 下一站, 多伦多 旅游
Bus route informationReport 85 Operator: Guangzhou Bus Group Trolley Bus BranchContact Fare: ¥2How to Pay Links: Buspedia (Models and photos, In Simplified Chinese only) This route has been suspended. Tianpingjia Bus Terminal ⇋ Fangcun Dadao West (Jiaokou Coach Station) Bus Terminal Via...
bus route 美 英 un.公共汽车路线 网络常规公交 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 公共汽车路线 1. Thenumericalexampleshowsthatthismodelcan beusedtodeterminethedeparturefrequencyofabusroutewithhighfrequencyservice. 算例表明该模型可用来确定高频服务公交线路在随机情况下的发车频率。
Use to get the best route between an origin and destination for automobile, commercial trucks and walking routes. The Route Directions API is an HTTP POST request that returns the ideal route between an origin and destination for automobile (driving), commercial trucks and walking routes. The ...
Your Bus. Your Route. Your Schedule. Look forward to Bus Simulator 21, and the most comprehensive and advanced fleet in the history of the series. For Bus Simulator 21, a fleet of 30 officially licensed buses by well-known, international manufacturers such as Volvo, Alexander Dennis, Scania,...
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bus route 美 英 un.公共汽车路线 网络常规公交 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 公共汽车路线 1. Thenumericalexampleshowsthatthismodelcan beusedtodeterminethedeparturefrequencyofabusroutewithhighfrequencyservice. 算例表明该模型可用来确定高频服务公交线路在随机情况下的发车频率。